Hey, SE Community,
Most people connected Team Juggernauts with tournaments right away, since that was the main focus of our team: creating and winning tournaments.
Very few people associated TJ with new players, or less experienced players.
That was until now! We are proud to present you a new way of looking at TJ!
Its presence has been well established in only the few short months that it has been running. You can see its members actively participating in the SE forums, tournaments, and IRC chats. And it has become synonymous with activity, growth, and learning. What is this group?
TJX stands for Team Juggernauts Xtended!
Showing bluntly that we are not in fact one guild, we are one family!
Main Aims
TJX is aimed, as already stated, for the younger generation of the Shadow Era community, who are ready to take the first step to becoming a competive regular.
To emphasize it, we have decided to try to follow this motto: «The Juggernauts Academy - Enter as Casual, Exit as Professional».
It describes perfectly the direction we want to take our guild, taking new and initially less-experienced players in, and helping and tutoring them into getting a grasp on not only the game, but also on the metagame, as well as helping them in getting regular performances in Tournaments, if they aim that way.
We have a dream of leading TJX to be a competitor in high level events, as well as pop-ups or similar. Another aim may be to let players who shall pass a series of trials (to be determined), and that are active on the forums, to be, if they so choose, invited to our main group, Team Juggernauts. We’ll periodically run internal challenges within TJX to find the fittest and the most willing to become hardcore.
This doesn’t constitute, however, any kind of obligation.
-Establish newer players in the tournament scene
-Continue to improve TJX as a competitive guild
-Create a learning environment where new talents may receive help through a variety of programs, such as one-on-one mentoring sessions; group mentoring sessions, or "classes," to explain overarching game-related play; and strategic discussion of decks and plays through the forums
-Sustain a community of active, success-driven members
-Help the best, most committed members to settle into an even more competitive environment through access to the TJ main group.
So why should you join TJX?
Active community, both forums and IRC.
Barely an hour goes by that you won't see people posting on our internal forums about a variety of topics, from new decks to our mentoring program (More on that in a bit!) to just plain silliness. We almost always have people online in our private IRC channel, and at peak times the conversation is buzzing non-stop.
Excellent mentoring program, both group and 1 on 1.
Despite being an academy guild, many of our students are already strong players in their own right, having won pop-ups and been a consistent threat in competition. Many of these players are happy to tutor you in their areas of expertise, either 1 on 1, or in themed classes. All you have to do is ask or show up. We'll help you out.
Internal tournaments!
From deck lock to weird formats like 4x Katrin the Shieldmaidenmandatory, we have internal tournaments running every week. Every few months, we run an epic series of qualifiers, culminating in a grand finals, the winner of which gets to join Team Juggernauts. More important than that though, is the ability to play in a competitive internal tournament every week, with formats that will stretch every aspect of your Shadow Era skills, even ones you didn't even know you had.
Join Team Juggernauts!
Just last month, we promoted five promising students to our mother guild, Team Juggernauts. (that is not fixed, promotions happen when we feel that you are ready!) Team Juggernauts is one of the fixtures of high level competition, filled with elite players who can help you get to the next level...and they stop by our channel all the time, since we share a channel with them! They're always willing to lend a hand.
So if you want a vibrant community filled to bursting with great players who are always happy to help, sign up! If you have potential and are active, we're happy to have you! We'd like to see some promise of activity (Through participation in the official forums / tournament scene) and skill (You don't have to be an expert, but if you can progress beyond the early stages on your own, that's a great sign!) but that's not an absolute requirement. Apply anyway: What do you have to lose?
TJX. Enter as casual, exit as professional.
All we really expect from you is activity, which means posting in the internal forums and taking part in (internal) tournaments (only if possible, of course. Real life always comes first).
Other requirements are the basics of manners. Always be respectful to the community and to your peers in core. (By this, do we mean to be respectful to the TJ members, or should we say something to “your TJ/X peers”?)
NOT required, but are extra bonuses which will help you in multiple ways are:
- 4x every card
- High rating (if not still there, we’ll help you getting there)
- Forum presence (no need before you join, but we expect you to feel thrilled will all the activity we’ll have for you, so we expect you to participate!)
- About a month's activity in the game--this gives you enough time to be familiar with game mechanics and go through the steps of exploration that will help you out when playing
- Previous TCG experience
Again, the above are NOT required, but are merely suggestions. We are looking for those promising individuals who are willing to learn and remain active!
After joining, there are 2 things which we don´t require, but which are greatly appreciated:
-Changing of IGN to TJ [Name here]X (we’ll show you how)
-When you log onto SE IRC channel, use of the name TJ|[Name here]X
PM NaharPT and me with the following:
- Favorite hero and why
- Reason for joining TJX
- Any other info you find relevant
One of us will answer to you ASAP.
If it takes us a day or two for us to respond, please don't worry. Our recruitment (and evaluation) process is generally very short, however, sometimes something in real life can pop up.
Thank you for your understanding.
Achievments (some of them...)
Nataku Pop-Up #17
Winner: SilverClaw
Syelni Pop-Up #3
Winner: Silence DoGood
Slugfest, a Caitlyn Tourney
Winner: SilverClaw (over iClipse)
Krazy Tournament for New Players
Winner: nMer (over Glingaeron)
TJ Sponsored Pop Up 17:00 GMT+0 9/2
Winner: Salivanth (over Geckt)
Sea111 Pop-Up #1
Winner: SilverClaw
TJ SalivanthX's Early Bird Pop-Up #1
Winner: Minato (over Salivanth)
TJ SalivanthX's Early Bird Pop-Up #2
Winner: Salivanth (over BP The Haydes)
TJ SalivanthX's Early Bird Pop-Up #3
Winner: Geckt (over AA1 Icebear)
TJ SalivanthX's Early Bird Pop-Up #5
Winner: Salivanth (over Geckt)
TJ SalivanthX's Early Bird Pop-Up #6
Winner: Bayushi (over TheNewbie)
Ken's Quick Tourney #2
Winner: Tidus (over Mojojojo)
Our Forum
After signing up, you will have to be granted access, by either NaharPT or me.
Any questions please just PM me or NaharPT.
Come join us, and learn and grow with the some of the best: become part of TJ family!