The "summoned" keyword first appeared in Call of the Crystals while the "enters play" first appeared in Dark Prophecies.
"Enters play" is a broader term than "summon" ; all "summons" technically are also "enters play", but not all "enters play" are "summons".
All bananas are fruits, but not all fruits are bananas.(Tman, 08/2024)
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The "returned to play" mechanism first appeared in Call of the Crystals.
"Returned to play" is a card that comes back to the field.
A "returned to play from graveyard" ally is exhausted.
A returned to play ally needs to be readied for it to attack or use its active ability during the turn it is returned to play.
A returned to play ally with Haste is not readied.
A returned to play ally can not gain Haste.
"Returned to your hand" card comes back to your hand from play or from the graveyard.
Note: A card cannot be returned to hand in a player's hand that has already 7 cards.
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When summoned, its passive ability is triggered.
When returned to play from graveyard, its passive ability is triggered.
When revealed from deck and enters play, its passive ability is triggered (with Stardust Actualizer).
When summoned, its passive ability is triggered.
When returned to play from graveyard, its passive ability is not triggered.