

From Shadow Era Wiki

This effect keyword was introduced in the Call of the Crystals set.
Defender is a keyword passive ability (written in bold in the effect area of the card).

  • Defender is a specific keyword reserved for heroes and allies.
  • Definition:
    • Defender allows the hero or the ally with the ability to do its combat damage first when being attacked.
    • Should the defender do enough damage to kill the attacker, the attacker will be killed before getting to do any damage.
    • An ambush hero or ally will bypass the defender's ability.
  • Note that hero or ally who gained Defender with an attachment or an item will lose Defender if the card that gave the effect leaves the play.

(you may see the Attack rules for a more in depth explanation)

Cards related with Defender are:

  • Allies…:
  1. Dark Flayer
  2. Cobra Demon
  3. Braxnorian Temptress
  4. Master Trapsetter
  5. Royal Guard (itself - situational)
  6. Aldmor Scavenger (itself - situational)
  7. War Giant (other opposing allies - situational)
  8. Fuzam, Yari Blademaster (itself - situational)
  9. Sneerkrug (itself - situational)
  10. Den Mother (other Wulven friendly allies - situational)
  11. Pack Outcast
  12. Layarian Sentinel
  13. Uru, King of Beasts (other Wild friendly allies - situational)
  14. Dalton, Outlaw Mastermind
  15. Fervent Reinforcer (itself - situational)
  16. Gnor, Legendary Crafter (itself - situational)
  17. Primed Combatant (itself - situational)
  18. Warner, Throneless King (gains defender and +1 attack if…)
  • Abilities…:
  1. Alert and Able (one ally - until end of turn)
  2. Battle Hardened (all friendly allies - until start of next turn)
  3. Higher Ground (costs 1 less resource to summon if you control defender ally)
  • Item…:
  1. Guardian's Oath (hero's weapon)
  2. Wooden Staff (hero's weapon)
  3. Gladiator's Breastplate (hero's armor)
  • Location…:
  1. Gaderi: Braxno Citadel (hero and allies)
Cards that can specifically remove the defender ability:
  • Abilities…:
  1. Selfishness (one ally - direct)
    For more possibilities to remove the defender ability, check the Keyword passive ability rules.