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Thread: v3.521

  1. #1
    Lead Developer / Designer Gondorian's Avatar
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    We're very pleased to announce that v3.521 is now available for all platforms, containing:

    - 13 new cards from the Campaign set
    - balance changes
    - new deck builder filters (by Set and show class-restricted only)
    - bug fixes

    Please see below for more details on the new cards, balance changes and bug fixes.

    But first, some lore to set the scene for Balor's latest arrivals.

    "And suddenly all was not how it seemed or even how it had happened."

    A mysterious visitor arrives in Layar from another world, Kion the Magnificent. Clearly a combat master, and human, he aligns himself with the Layarian Knight and Layarian Sentinel in their battle against the Shadow. As the fight turns in their favor, Aldon wonders if Kion came to lend aid, or for some other reason?

    The answer arrives soon after, in the form of Vull the Insatiable, ruler of the shadow world of Phaed, from where Kion has escaped. Unlike Kion, Vull does not travel alone, bringing his Phaedon Barbarians and Phaedon Commander to join the hunt for his most prized possession. What they find, of course, is not just Kion, but a great conflict. Naturally, they align themselves with the Shadow, and relish every kill.

    Since the first Shadow Gate opened on Balor, Dark Riding Hood had witnessed this kind of entrance from another world countless times, but there was something very different about this particular time: the visitors were not here through a Shadow Gate. Something, or someone, else was responsible. Surveying the impact of his latest misadventure, the Darklight Timelord wondered whether his time was finally up...

    New Cards for the Campaign Set






    All 13 of these new cards can be found in Campaign booster packs (priced 100SC each) and will also be available in the in-game Merchant as other players sell them. (We have carefully chosen the gold price such that buying and selling contents of these packs is now the most efficient way to turn SC into gold, as opposed to the old method of selling starter deck contents, so there should always be a decent supply!)

    Please note: The Merchant will continue to do his unpredictable restocks occasionally. (He just did one about noon GMT on 21st November after cracking open about 8000 packs.) If you are searching for his Legendaries, be sure to search by their names since there is currently a "feature" that hides all Legendaries from normal filters which we only discovered today. We'll sort that for v3.53.

    To help keep this thread related to the release itself, please discuss the new cards in their own thread for discussion here:

    Balance Changes


    Sorcerer of Endia - Ability changed to "0: If a player controls at least 3 items and/or abilities, you may exile one of them and Sorcerer of Endia is returned to your hand at the end of the turn."

    Rapacious Vermin - Ability changed to "Sustain: 1HP. 2: If a player controls at least 3 items and/or abilities, you may destroy one of them and Rapacious Vermin takes 1 damage."

    Wave Collapse - Ability changed to "Target opposing ally has its health and base attack reduced to 1. All players discard a card from their deck."

    Loom of Fate - Casting cost increased to 2cc (from 1cc). Durability set to 3 durability. Ability changed to "1D: All players draw a card."

    Griffoncrest Dagger - Ability changed to "While you have fewer than 4 cards in your hand, Griffoncrest Dagger has +1 attack."

    Looter's Baton - Durability increased to 5D (from 4D).

    Sword of Might - Ability changed to "Sword of Might has +2 attack while attacking allies with cost 5 or greater."


    Unaxio Squire - Attack reduced to 0sword (from 1sword).
    Ability changed to "Meek (this ally can't attack heroes). 0: Until the start of your next turn, target friendly ally has +2 attack."

    Feasterling - Ability changed to "Sustain: 1HP. 0: Feasterling has +2 attack until the end of the turn, and your hero takes 1 damage."

    Aldmor Sentry - Casting cost increased to 5cc (from 3cc). Attack increased to 3sword (from 2sword). Health increased to 6HP (from 4HP).

    Sosilo: Brothers' Landing - Turn number increased to T5 (from T4).

    Anmor: Garina Road - Turn number increased to T5 (from T4).


    Red-Eyed Worg - Ability cost reduced to 1cc (from 2cc).

    Great Bear - Ability changed to "Great Bear has +2 attack while attacking allies with cost 4 or less".

    Winthill Assailer - Attack reduced to 2sword (from 3sword). Health increased to 5HP (from 4HP).

    Masked Bandit - Attack reduced to 1sword (from 2sword). Ability changed to "Masked Bandit has +1 attack while attacking. When your turn ends while Masked Bandit is damaged, he is shuffled into his owner's deck."

    To help keep this thread related to the release itself, please discuss the changes in their own thread here:

    Bug Fixes

    [SE-1099] - Celestial Armor on Earthen Protector incorrect behaviour
    [SE-1100] - Avatar shown on multiplayer lobby is incorrect for alt-art heroes.
    [SE-1102] - Many allies have been acting as though damaged when Shard of Power is out
    [SE-1103] - AI gets stuck in targeting loop with Assassination when player has Lay Low in play
    [SE-1101] - Allow players to cancel Dawn Raid if no targets picked yet.

    If you discover any card-related bugs, please post them here:

    We hope you really enjoy these new additions and changes. We now have a total of 650 cards to play with, if you include Corrupted Angel in the Call of the Crystals Human Campaign!

  2. #2
    Senior Member AHSAN022's Avatar
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    amazing. also the story is really good.

  3. #3
    Senior Member maskee's Avatar
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    I like new Art. One question about it: Has Dark Riding Hood art something to do with Caitlin0 avatar?
    Last edited by Gondorian; 11-22-2017 at 04:50 PM.
    IGN: TJ Maskee - Proud member of Team Juggernauts !

  4. #4
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maskee
    And I like new Art. One question about it: Has Dark Riding Hood art something to do with Caitlin0 avatar?
    Yes it does. Card itself is a tribute to her.

    Also, opened up 15 Campaign packs with new cards in so far. Legendaries actually don't seem super difficult to grab, got 3 Kions, 2 Vulls, and 1 Riding Hood. Also got full playset of Timelords. Oddly the one card I haven't managed to pull any of yet is Winged Redeemer.
    "IT'S TIME TO DUEL!!!"
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  5. #5
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maskee
    And I like new Art. One question about it: Has Dark Riding Hood art something to do with Caitlin0 avatar?
    Yes it does. Card itself is a tribute to her.

    Also, opened up 15 Campaign packs with new cards in so far. Legendaries actually don't seem super difficult to grab, got 3 Kions, 2 Vulls, and 1 Riding Hood. Also got full playset of Timelords. Oddly the one card I haven't managed to pull any of yet is Winged Redeemer.
    "IT'S TIME TO DUEL!!!"
    "The Magnificent."
    Account for any future SC transfers by Gondorian: BP tman507

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  6. #6
    Senior Member WolfCyr's Avatar
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    Amazing art !

  7. #7
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    Thank you very much for all of this.
    The upgrade went well, the client is still stable (in my configuration), the arts are beautiful… Everything is fine…

    Apart that I went to see the merchant, and here they are, all the three legendaries to be bought at fair price… in four examples… I mean, I am happy to have the legendaries, it is great, such nice cards in Legendary rarity… and it feels odd also… I have different opinions on how we should get these legendaries, but anyway…

    Thank you very much!
    … Blopi - SD Tech Forum …
    Proud Member of the Shadow Dragons Guild

  8. #8
    Lead Developer / Designer Gondorian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blopi View Post
    Apart that I went to see the merchant, and here they are, all the three legendaries to be bought at fair price… in four examples… I mean, I am happy to have the legendaries, it is great, such nice cards in Legendary rarity… and it feels odd also… I have different opinions on how we should get these legendaries, but anyway…
    I guess the Merchant wanted to ensure he got some great entertainment watching WC2017 Regional Qualifiers this weekend, by giving the players the widest option for deckbuilding. He's a huge fan of SE! Hopefully all the participants have updated and bought some of his stock.

  9. #9
    Junior Member GeeGne's Avatar
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    Best update ever!! Even the balance changes are very nice and makes more sense than before, thank you so much for this.


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