When more than one card or effect is set to resolve simultaneously, Shadow Era uses a simple process to determine which cards or effects get priority at what times. This is known as the Standard Resolution Order, or SRO. Cards and effects trigger one at a time, recursively, based on who controls them and their type. Below you can see the top-level order of resolution:
When 2 or more cards in the same category are supposed to trigger at the same time, such as two friendly allies,they are triggered in the order in which they appear on the board (from the perspective of their hero) from left to right (which should match the order they were played). For example, if you played a weapon on turn 5 and then an armor card on turn 6, and they both had an ability that triggered when you dealt combat damage, the weapon’s ability would trigger first. This is because they are both part of the items/support abilities category.
Where a card has an attachment, that attachment has the opportunity to resolve immediately after the card it is attached to, before any further non-attachment cards are processed. (Multiple attachments on the same card are processed in the order they were attached.)
If multiple cards are sent to the graveyard simultaneously, they are placed there in the order they were played. The card which was played the earliest is sent to the graveyard first, followed by the next earliest, until all the cards required to move to the graveyard are moved (the most recently-played card should be on top).
It is important to note that effects on cards in play are triggered even just before dying. However, after an ally has been dealt lethal damage (had its health decreased to 0) it will no longer be able to gain life to stay alive, because its death has already been triggered.