Sign-ups will complete Sunday July 28th.
Sign up by joining here or in this thread:
- 7 round Swiss, Best-of-5 per Round
-*1 CLASS PER ROUND*Each Class may only be used once (e.g. Use Mage in Round 1 and may not use Mages for the rest of the tournament)
- You choose 2 heroes from the class you have chosen. You shouldn't tell your opponent your class or hero choice before starting. You can choose your second hero and deck after playing the first 2 games.
- Each player uses one hero for Games 1,2 and a second hero Games 3,4 then either hero for Game 5 (e.g. Use Majiyain Games 1, 2 and Eladwen
Games 3,4 then Majiya or Eladwen
Game 5)
- Each deck locked per Round (e.g. Use in Game 1 and the Majiyadeck can’t be changed for the rest of the Round)
- 1 week allotted per Round
Rather than tiebreakers, players that are tied for the top spots will enter a playoff. The format will be determined depending on the number of tied participants.
Byes are treated as a round win.
If the round isn't played due to a no show, a bye, or other reason, both players will be assigned the most popular class choice for that round that they still have available. So, if you have already used the most popular class then you'll use the 2nd most etc.
- FTA: Game 1 random. Each following game will be the loser of the previous game
- Games tied are replayed with the same player going first and same decks
- Disconnected games count as win for the opposing player unless they agree to replay
Deadlines will be updated via telegram chat
Sample Reporting:
TJ Scout 2 < 3 TJ Inevitable
• DEADLINES ARE FIRM. Extreme circumstances will be considered, but don’t expect any extensions. If a deadline passes, the TO will review any evidence presented regarding who is to blame. If a decision can’t be made, the match will be counted as a draw.
• ALL DECISIONS ARE FINAL. Any excessive arguing or complaining can and will result in being removed/muted from the tourney chat and removed from the tournament. Any issues should be brought up via PM.*
• Prolonged, unannounced inactivity may result in a round loss or being removed from the tourney. Communicate with the TO and/or your opponent if you plan to be offline for several days.
• In the event of tournament rules (fta rules, deck constraints, hero choice, etc.) are broken, it is an automatic game loss, unless the opponent agrees to replay. Picking a previously used class is a round loss.
• If a player disconnects during a game, then they must take the game loss unless the opponent agrees to replay. Sync errors should be replayed with the same conditions (fta, deck composition, etc.)
•Repeat warnings will not be given for misgivings in chat. Light trashtalk is to be expected, but slander, badgering, and harassment in chat will be met with your removal from the chat and / or event.
1st and 2nd will also earn qualification to the World Championship at the end of this year.
Let the battle for the CROWN begin!