Hi, new player here (level 9, had account for several years and finally started playing again)
I have a question about a bug I have seen mentioned on this forum, although not by anyone recently.
I frequently get a "waiting for opponent" message when I am in Meltdown. Here is how it generally goes:
1. Create Meltdown deck, hit Start, then get "Waiting for Opponent."
2. Wait for 10 minutes. No opponent shows up.
3. After 10 minutes, I click on Concede.
4. I get a message stating ""The match was too short to gain any XP." I get 0 gold and 0 XP. Yet it shows that I have supposedly been in a match with an opponent for 33 minutes, as an example. But I was only "waiting for opponent" for 10 minutes (I timed it). I was not in a match for 33 minutes or "waiting for opponent" for 33 minutes.
It is starting to discourage me from playing.
Troubleshooting Details: I have an iPad 3 wifi only 64 GB with iOS 8.4.1. I have 28 GB free space. My broadband speed is 50/5. I don't have frequent disconnects or problems with my internet connection. I play other games like Hearthstone and Elemental Kingdoms on my iPad and do not have similar issues with their games. (Hearthstone has scheduled maintenance and the occasional outage, reported on twitter, but no issues with matches between players that happen on a regular basis as I am experiencing with Shadow Era.)
I am running the latest iOS version of Shadow Era, 3.120. I saw an announcement in this forum that a newer iOS version should be on its way shortly, so hopefully it will address this issue?
I will attach screenshots in case they will be helpful.
Thanks in advance and I appreciate any assistance.
Waiting for Opponent Screenshot:
Match Too Short Screenshot: (It states I was in a match for 33 minutes although I only "waited for opponent" for 10 minutes before conceding, and was never in a match.)
This issue may also happen in other types of challenges; I have not tried many of those yet so I do not remember. If I see it happening anywhere other than Meltdown, I will update this. Thanks!