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  1. #1
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    Amber Rain deck stalled at rank 208

    This deck steamrolled over pretty much everything until I got to about rank 208 and now it's hit or miss. So here's version 1.5:

    2 xArmored Sandworm
    4 xAldon the Brave
    3 xBirgitte Skullborn
    4 xPuwen Bloodhelm
    4 xKristoffer Wyld
    3 xJasmine Rosecult
    3 xBad Santa
    2 xSpecial Delivery
    3 xRetreat!
    4 xReserve Weapon
    4 xJeweler's Dream
    3 xDimension Ripper

    I know it's similar to some other Amber builds, but the other ones I saw had Aeons and Earthen Protectors and I just don't want my opponent having those, plus just want to do something a little different..

    I originally had 3 Blood Frenzies and was stalling at rank 185, then I changed them out for Bad Santas and moved up in rank.

    The basic idea here is to not have anything in the deck that I would not want my opponent to use against me.

    Please, before commenting, please try the deck out a few times. I don't want this to be "Shadow Theory", I want suggestions based on real experience.

    Thank you in advance!!

    - J


    -1 Bridgette
    -1 Kristoffer
    +2 Tainted Oracle
    Last edited by jamshaman; 02-05-2013 at 11:20 AM.

  2. #2
    DP Visionary Direwulven's Avatar
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    Real experience tells me that x4 Blood Frenzy is advisable, no.... crucially essential, to reach the lofty heights of 300++. If I am allowed to pack 6 BFs, I'll do that in a snap.

    Why do you need 4 RWs? Consider reducing the number and replace it with allies instead.
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  3. #3
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    So have you personally reached rank 300+ with Amber and 4 Blood Frenzy? I'm not opposed to trying that.

    Reserve weapons are for the extra damage and also as options against decks like Priests or Ter Adun. I'd consider taking them out. Maybe change out 2 of them for Sandworms?

    edit - I forgot to mention that the reasoning for the Bad Santas instead of the Blood Frenzies, is I don't mind my opponent getting Bad Santas from my Dimnsion Ripper. In fact I'd be happy if they used my bad santas and gave me cards for free..
    Last edited by jamshaman; 02-05-2013 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #4
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    Direwulven is spot on about the blood frenzy, when I see my starting hand playing Amber the only thing I care about is seeing a frenzy - There is no point in having the resource acceleration from your JD if you have no cards to play. I'd also consider adding 4 x crippling blow, a fantastic card. (And yes I do currently have an Amber deck above 300)

  5. #5
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    Thank you, I'll try it..

    I think the problem I was having was thinking that Blood Frenzy had to be out by turn 3. But actually I think it's better to drop it on turn 5 after the Jeweler's Dream is out, for example: on turn 5: will probably have 1-2 cards in hand, so no sacrifice for 4 resources +2 after the Dream, cast a Blood Frenzy + Aldon..

    Also, the reason I didn't include Crippling Blow is because I didn't want to give them away via the Dimension Ripper.. Maybe it doesn't matter though..

    Edit: or turn 4 drop Blood Frenzy + Bridgett or Kristoffer
    Last edited by jamshaman; 02-06-2013 at 04:40 AM.

  6. #6
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    I'm playing Amber at 240 and I would suggest adding in four bf it is possibly the best draw engine in game right now. Also I run 4 Jeweler's Dream and 2 rusted longsword (It is only 3 to drop and has 2 attack so you can immediately kill most 3cc allies). I run 4 Skullborn and 4 Dirk Saber which I find gets a lot of power for you early on. Also if Aldon the Brave is on the field Dirk becomes a 3 ambusher which can hurt a lot.

    I would suggest taking out the Bad Santa's for the BF as I said before. It's better and if you run an Enrage you can easily mitigate the damage to yourself.

    I also run a lot of 3cc allies because that's where most of the best human allies are. I have 4 Priest's of the Light, 4 Aldon the Brave, and 4 Jasmine Rosecult. I like Priest's ability to take down your opponents SE and mixed with Aldon he can take out other 3cc.

    I would take out special delivery because it isn't very useful. I would have 3 - 4 Crippling blows and 2 - 3 retreats.
    I personally don't like Reserve Weapon but the choice is yours on that one but I wouldn't run more that 2. If you have 6 weapons there isn't much need to keep getting them and the buff isn't all that important and its a 5cc but that's just my opinion.

    Happy Gaming

  7. #7
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    Thank you! Would you mind posting your build?

  8. #8
    Senior Member akratch's Avatar
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    This is one of the top 4 decks from Worlds 2012

    Hero (1)
    1 Amber Rain

    Allies (15)
    4 Priest of the Light
    3 Jasmine Rosecult
    3 Aldon the Brave
    3 Armored Sandworm
    2 Aeon Stormcaller

    Abilities (17)
    4 Retreat!
    4 Crippling Blow
    2 Bad Santa
    4 Blood Frenzy
    2 Smashing Blow
    1 Enrage

    Items (7)
    4 Jeweler's Dream
    3 Dimension Ripper

    Notice the lack of RW, with BS and BF, you will draw enough weapons to utilize her ability and can fit more allies in place of the RW. Also, special delivery is not cost effective for what it does. I think this deck design is pretty solid, maybe a little risky in the short run (no puwen), but definitely something I would consider if playing Amber exclusively.

    Good luck!

  9. #9
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    I'm also having huge problems with my Amber deck. Last week i was rated at 258. then something happened, I'm thinking that other people have adjusted decks to deal with amber better. I can't win to save my life anymore. I'm now rated 198 and still plummeting. I've adjusted my deck several times with no help. I am also using 4 BF but i always seem to fall way short. I can't get or keep allies out on the board, as soon as i put a weapon out it is destroyed.

  10. #10
    Senior Member akratch's Avatar
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    Pm me your list and what heroes are beating you the most. That is a good start
    Last edited by akratch; 02-08-2013 at 12:51 AM.


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