I've literally just started playing as Moonstalkerand Darkclaw
since a few days ago. I find that MS is more interesting compared to DC (first impressions) and initially I was going for a MS ally rush deck but after getting my ass handed to me by one MS control-based deck, I decided to change direction. I took away some valuable experience from that decisive game and came up with my own variant of a control deck. My apologies if it seems unoriginal - I only visited the forums after playtesting for many hours and to my horror there were already numerous similar decks floating around here, such as http://www.shadowera.com/showthread....or-all-seasons.
Anyway, please leave me some constructive criticism. Go ahead and rip my card choices to shreds if you think that they are ridiculous picks.
1x Moonstalker
4x Dark Flayer
3x Cobra Demon
3x DMT
3x Plasma Behemoth
4x Shadow Knight
2x Oggloth
3x Captured Prey
3x Now You're Mine
3x Full Moon
3x Shriek
2x LLN
3x Sac Lamb
4x Wrath of the Forest
1x Zaladardigital card sleeve
Total: 41 cards
Overarching principle: To build up and maintain board control while gaining card advantage (board, hand and resource) before steamrolling the enemy at an opportune moment with several large drops. Also, I just like the huge amount of thinking required before you use MS's ability. Lol.
Reasons for card choices:
Dark Flayer- I find it to be a rather unconventional 2cc ally in my current rating. I love having him in my hand, especially if I go second. If the opponent weeny rushes me with stuff like Kris, Blake
, Fire Snake
or even Flayer itself, a turn 2 Flayer will stop them dead in their tracks (or at least stall for a bit). They are forced to expend their Puwens, Bruts, etc. or even ability cards to dispose of it before it disposes of them. Moreover, I chose him over Brut since I find that I'd much rather have a Flayer compared to a Brut recycled by the SK loop (if it happens, unfortunately). Plus, Brut is mainly a meat shield and I have CD to do that for me.
Cobra Demon- This was a tough one. In all my ally-based decks, I like to try and include 1 ally of each cc so that I'm likely to have something to play during each of my turns. Again, I find this to be a quite unconventional 4cc pick in my current meta. While I appreciate that Wulven Tracker
might have been the better choice, I don't really like it and I already have a reliable, consistent draw engine thanks to SK, WotF and Sac Lamb. CD, apart from being a meat shield, forces the enemy to react as well. While Tracker is 2/4, CD is 1/5 with a second source of 1 damage at the cost of 1 Shadow Energy. I find her more versatile as she can effectively damage and poison 2 targets per turn if I choose to do so. Hence, she takes the cake for me.
DMT- Great for finishing off allies with 1HP or chipping away at them. I chose him over Garg because of the sudden 1 damage when he drops. Should I include 1 or 2 Gargs though?
PB - Everyone knows how scary PB is if he sticks around and with Moonstalkerprotecting him, it's pretty likely that he will. I'm still experimenting with 3 and 4 copies but I think 3 is enough thanks to SK's recycling loop. Agreed?
SK - So flexible! With the help of another one of his kind, this Dark Knight Rises from the grave or he can raise other useful allies by himself! I'm also experimenting with 3 and 4 copies but this one I'm not so sure about. Thoughts?
Oggloth - At the beginning, I thought of using Brutal Minotauror Molten Destroyer because Ogg is kind of situational. However, having Moonstalker
's ability meant that playing this glutton would be less tricky to pull off. When he hits, he just devastates the board. Seriously a game changer. I like to cast a Flayer and then let it be devoured by Ogg (or use Sac Lamb on it) while WotF is on the board. Ogg becomes stronger, I gain 1 card (or 3), my opponent covers in fear and it all only comes with the tiny drawback of losing a 2cc ally that is no longer relevant by the time Ogg hits the board.
Captured Prey- The only question here is should I run 4 Captured Prey
and 2 Now You're Mine
or maintain them at 3/3? Alternatively, I could choose to run 4 of each if I got rid of some cards (I really don't want a deck that exceeds 41 cards; 42 at the MAX).
Now You're Mine- See Captured Prey
Full Moon- An underrated card, IMHO. I picked FM over Bloodlust because of the stronger effect. The extra 1cc was worth it to me. Since I don't play Regeneration
, this is my only means of stalling against DoT effects like Poison Gas
and Engulfing Flames
. Furthermore, it makes my Flayer a 4/1 with Defender for a turn, which is amazing. SK, PB and Oggloth also benefit greatly from it. Once again, I'm experimenting with 3 or 4 copies of it in my deck. Suggestions?
Shriek - Most MS decks I've seen here run 2 copies but I included 3 of it right from the very beginning. I just don't think that I'd be able to draw it when I need it if it was at 2.
LLN- In this case, 2 copies of LLN
felt just right. The 5cc makes this a costly drop and I'm not very much in need of the free card draw.
Sac Lamb - For this, I think 3 copies is just nice. I usually end up sacrificing the 4th if I get it anyway. SK and WotF will also ensure that my hand is constantly filled. Feel free to opine otherwise about the optimal card count.
WotF - The heart of the draw engine. I think it's definitely required at 4. I've tried running it at 3 before with Sac Lamb at 4 but eventually I just reversed the order. I have 19 allies so getting it out ASAP would be more beneficial to me. Sac Lamb takes the place of Bad Santain this deck - a speed burst to get to WotF quicker.
Really, the main issue that I have is balancing the card counts. Some cards I'd like more of, some I can make do with less. Are there any important cards that I've left out? I made my deck without referring to the forums and with zero experience playing as Wulven. Cheers.
P.S.: Don't ask me to play Millstalker!