Here are the slots currently filled for the World Championship. Keep checking this page as it will change frequently in the next couple of weeks.
1 BT Legolas Reigning champ 2 RS Namcastle Major 1 Winner 3 KA Frozenflare Major 2 Winner 4 RS Flameborn Major 3 Winner 5 TJ Scout Major 4 Winner 6 TJ Inevitable Major 1 Runner Up 7 BT Khellus Major 2 Runner Up 8 SET Maverick06 Major 3 Runner Up 9 KA M Bobwei Major 4 Runner Up 10 SET Kass Pro Tour Winner 11 A1 Wimbled Pro Tour 2nd 12 SET Eruil Pro Tour 3rd 13 Noumi Kudryavka Pro Tour 4th 14 TJ Dubdub Pro Tour 5th 15 RS Darthshadow DUP REPLACE - She-Lah Specialist 70% 16 Burnout1985 Rated 2nd Place 17 BadPork Rated 3rd Place 18 krewe DUP REPLACE - Logan Specialist 70%
19 TJ Silverclaw American Regional Winner 20 SET Foxhound European Regional Winner 21 A1 Beantalk DUP REPLACE - Vess Specialist 68%
22 RS Umba American Regional Runner Up 23 KoryJPN European Regional Runner Up 24 A1 Samurai Champloo DUP REPLACE - Zal Specialist 66% 25 TJ Downsmash American Regional 2nd Runner Up 26 SK Soomsalof European Regional 2nd Runner Up 27 SK Trinolcour DUP REPLACE - Tala Specialist 64%
28 BT ALfetta Charity Auction Winner 29 Sk Twilight 2nd Charity Auction Winner 30 SET seb2cool Battle of Balor 31 GX Leo Barbarian Battle of Balor 32 SET Joker Battle of Balor
*Due to BP Emigor's withdrawal, we have a 3 way tie for 5th in Pro Tour Points between Tj Dubdub, SET Nemesis, and Noumi Kudryavka