Hero: Tala Pureheart(40 cards)
Ally (8):
4x Seamarshal Garrick
3x Kuafu, the Sun Chaser
1x Nanaya, Yari Conqueror
Ability (24):
2x Stand Firm
2x Dark Revelations
2x Moment of Acquiescence
3x Valiant Defender
2x Rain Delay
3x Bazaar
1x Sanctuary
4x Rise of the Banners
3x Serenity Now
2x Overwhelm
Item (3):
1x The Last Harvest
2x Distortion Harness
Location (4):
4x Ravenscrest: Valley of Secrets
Deck Code: 964535C
Talahas been always struggling to be a top hero because her ability tends to build an army of sticky allies. However as the meta progress, there are more and more ways to kill allies, making her ability less valuable.
Rise of the Banners gives her a way out as it can build 3-4 allies in one turn, and Tala�s ability is used as a barrier so that the army can survive 1-2 turns to take over the board. In this case, Tala
�s ability is used as a tempo swing more than a board control.
In order to solidify your board, several support abilities are included to make your army difficult to be removed: Valiant Defenderblocks combat damage whilst Serenity Now blocks ability damage. Note that Serenity Now also blocks your own Overwhelm
so make sure you remove it before playing Overwhelm
Now it comes down to ally choice. Seamarshal Garrick is great as it seeks Rise of the Banners which gives the consistency the deck requires. Note that it also seeks Valiant Defenderso remember to count how many Rise of the Banners/ Valiant Defender
are left in your deck before playing Seamarshal Garrick.
Kuafu, the Sun Chaser is the key ally. His ability is activated by Rise of the Banners so basically you heal 1 HP for every support ability you played. Try to soak some damages with your allies so they can benefit from Kuafu ability to heal and gain extra attack.
Nanaya, Yari Conqueroris the finisher which gives extra attack boost and ally removal. She is good when hide behind a protector which her ability also activates when opponent trying to kill you ally during their turn.
Overall the deck is good as the meta doesn�t counter it. The only bad matchup I found is Victor when Gambit can get pass all the defense and Spirit Shurikenis killing.
Generally a very fun deck to play and making Talaviable again.