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    Battle for Balor - Special WC Qualification Event

    Gather you faithful citizens of Balor,to contribute your many talents to the reenactment of the events that brought us to this point. The Battle for Balor that formed the world we live in today is a matter for the historians and scribes of the Templars, the Mages, and the Scaleforge. The story begins – and some say will end - with the Ancient Powers of the Elementals and the Undead. Before the opening of the Shadow Portals; Before the disappearance of the Aldmor leaders into the Shadow Realm; Before the invasion of the Shadow Forces into all corners of our world; And Before Rothem recruited a great many of them to his coalition; The Ancient Powers loomed.

    Elementalis, Praxix, and Zaladar drew their power from the very elements that make up the universe, while Gravebone and Banebow drew theirs from the inescapable forces of death. All who study the history of our world know that these great primal powers, these truly Ancient Powers lie in wait to greet he who emerges victorious in the petty political battles of Balor.

    But our focus for now is the apparent start of our conflict. The seizing of the Shadow Crystals at mount Balor, and the organizing of Rothem's Army. Powered by the influx of creatures from the Shadow Realms, the Shadow Crystals pulled from the ground by Rothem's engineers, and the force of Rothem's ambition to become the king of all of Layar. He organized the single greatest fighting force in the history of the world. Rothem's Coalition was comprised of like minded cohorts like Vess Swifthands, Logan Stonebreaker, and the Dark Hunter Baduru. But Rothem knew this wouldn't be enough, and so, through coercion and bribery, promises of future glory, he added to his numbers the armies loyal to Majiya the Queen of Fire, Ter Adun the child of Asyn, and the venomous avenger Skervox. These additions were made of necessity, but proved pivotal in the pursuit of the consolidation of power on Balor's largest continent of Layar.

    It was this coalition of under Rothem that stole the initiative against the sitting kingdoms of Balor. The Layarians and their Yari allies stood as a pillar of stability in the heartland. Their reigns, each guaranteed by their spiritual allegiance and devotion to the Seven deities of Layar, and the brother gods Ellos and Vozit. This allegiance of course meant that in times of trouble, the Layarian Yari Alliance could depend on the steadfast protection of the Templars from across the sea. This alliance and its Templar protectors formed The Organized Resistance to Rothem's aggression.

    But not all the people of Balor joined the major political alliances. Many distrusted those who would project their will on those with whom they shared neither a home, nor a creed. These were referred to by those in the higher echelons of man as the vagabonds, or rabble –barely worth acknowledging. In truth these forces were not that different from those of the major civilizations. They were simply Anti Federal, and believed that no power outside of their local keep was a legitimate authority.

    Perhaps during times of peace, a point was to made that those like Markus who chose to live isolated behind the man-made walls of Kyber could never threaten the powers of Layar on their home turf. Nor could Eladwen Frostmire project her will from the Frost Isles. Ythan and Victor and their army of woodsmen were a mere annoyance to the major powers at best. Likewise, during times of regular order, those who lived behind the wall of silence created by the Rogues Guild such as Lance Shadowstalker, Serena Thoughtripper, and Garth Ravensoul could never field an army to challenge the will of the Templars or Rothem's hordes. But these were not times of peace, and there was no regular order.

    Still, even with the great civilizations of Balor pre-occupied, another hierarchy had grown in parallel but separate from the forces of man. The kingdoms of Nature which raised no flag, rallied behind the magi – both human (Aramia) and shadow (Raikka) – who took to the forests to seek oneness with nature. In contrast, was the savage Wulven packs who answered to their master Dark Claw. Bloodfang, Moonstalker and even those who followed She-Lah the Unifier held allegiance only to their own. These groups, referred to as Naturalists by those arrogant enough to attach such labels, each believed that becoming one with nature was the true path to glory.

    These two sets of independent forces saw their opportunity to spread their version of fierce independence across the lands. But before they could challenge the supremacy of the castles that dotted the landscape of Layar, they first had to determine which independent force would carry the ironic banner of self-rule against the heralded flags of the greater civilizations.

    All the while, watching the carnage rage across Balor, still the Ancient Powers waited. They knew the time was coming for their bid to bring the world full circle and restore the primal order dictated by the elements. They knew the time was coming, and that death waits for no man or beast.

    (tournament format and rules to follow below)

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    This is a TEAM competition. To register for the event, simply select the hero you would like to play from this list, and notify the Tournament Organizer (for now, message Rs Jlbjork using in-game mail, but it will be assigned to a real TO at some point soon on TG or Discord). Give them a list of 3 heroes you would be willing to play in order of preference. Heroes will be granted on a first come first serve basis. No player can play more than one hero unless, at close of registration, not enough heroes have been claimed.

    You may play on a team even if you are already WC qualified, but each team must have at least 3 players who are not WC qualified. You may not register with more than one account for this event.

    Here are the Teams available. As heroes are claimed, this post will be updated.

    The Ancient Powers (TAP)

    Elementalis (BP Emigor)
    Zaladar (SET Colosal)
    Praxix (SET Foxhound)
    Banebow (SK Trinolcour)
    Gravebone (BP Itachi)

    Rothem's Coalition (RC)

    Rothem (SET seb2cool)
    Vess (BT Sigismund)
    Logan (SETGlizzyGobbler)
    Baduru (SET Joker)
    Skervox (BT Silvr Phoenix)
    Ter Adun (GX Leo Barbarian)
    Majiya (BT vxchillbillxv)

    The Organized Resistance (TOR)

    Jericho (BT Tidius)
    Zhanna (SET Eruill)
    Threbin (Rs darthshadow)
    Boris (BT Npar)
    Tala (TJ Scout)
    Loest (TJ Inevitable)
    Gwen (TJ Downsmash)
    Amber (SET Kass)
    Nishaven RS Seadog

    The Anti-Federalists (AF)

    Victor (TJ Fallenangel)
    Lance (SET Zbane)
    Serena (SK Soomsalof)
    Garth (RS Tim3Twist3r)
    Markus (BT Bobb10)
    Eladwen (BT Remiss)
    Ythan (RS Namcastle)

    The Naturalists (TN)

    Raikka (KA Frozenflare)
    Aramia (SET Oursoul)
    She-Lah (KA Toy008)
    Dark Claw (KA M bobwei)
    Bloodfang (Noumi Kudryavka)
    Moonstalker (BT Khellus)

  4. #4
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    Round 1: RC vs TOR / AF vs TN / TAP gets a bye

    Set 1: Rothem's Coalition will play a 3 game set against The Organized Resistance.

    Game 1: Majiya Provides Cover
    Nishaven, having failed to diplomatically prevent Rothem's aggression, fled under threat of death to the west coast of the continent. He made it his mission to warn the people of Irum that their long time trade partners at Castle Layer were under threat of invasion by a ghastly otherworldly force of Shadow. After some deliberation, the people of Layer responded, sending an army to reinforce King Warner prior to the incoming attack. Rothem however had made a tacit arrangement promising the unaffiliated Queen of Fire, Majiya great riches in exchange for assistance preventing reinforcements from coming from the west.

    In Game 1, RC sends Majiya. TOR chooses any hero, but may NOT have Warner in their deck. RC gets FTA. If RC wins, they will also get FTA in game 2, otherwise, TOR will have FTA in game 2.

    Game 2: Templars to the RescueAs the Shadow forces march toward Castle Layar, Rothem's armies grow in size, absorbing the rampaging Shadow creatures they happen across on their way. Meanwhile, with word being sent to the Templars of the eastern continents, a ship was sent from Brother's Isle with a powerful army to intervene and buy time for Castle Layar to prepare their defenses. If their efforts succeed, perhaps the forces of man can survive this wretches onslaught of Shadow.

    In Game 2, TOR sends a priest hero with at least one Justicar in the deck. RC counters with any hero except Rothem. If Majiya won Game 1, RC has FTA, otherwise, TOR will have FTA in this game. King Warner may NOT be in the TOR deck.

    Game 3: The Siege of Caste Layar
    Offered every opportunity to resign to exile, King Warner chose to stand and fight against overwhelming odds. All efforts to reinforce the castle had fallen short, and the time had come for a reckoning that had not been seen in years. In the hours before the battle, a squire approached his king. From his cloak he produced a pair of shining crystals that had been smuggled into the castle under the cover of night. The king that night wrestled with the decision. Should he answer the call of the crystals and sacrifice his humanity to save his kingdom? His heated discussions with Nishaven about the regrets the great mage harbored after giving in to the crystals haunted him. Still, was it right to refuse the possibility of the power to defend his people? In the end, the king cast them out of the window of his tower and shouted to the waiting armies outside the gates. 'If you want my soul you will have to take it! I will not willingly give it to you!'

    In Game 3, TOR may use any hero and MUST include at least one copy of Warner in his deck. RC must play the battle with Rothem. If RC won game 2, they will get FTA. If not, TOR will get FTA.

    2 Wins in this round will advance the winning side to Round 2.

    Set 2: The Anti-Federalists will play a 3 game set against TheNaturalists

    Game 1: Rangers Scout Ahead

    While the world burned on the continent of Layar, the south of Ellos smoldered with no less intensity. A rash of disappearances and death had struck many supply caravans and even marching militaryforces moving thought the forests bound for the trade centers at Brothers Isle. Fearing the possibility of the unrest drawing the attention of more organized governments, the nomadic hunters under the command of Victor Heartstriker and Ythan Redthorn began patrolling the wood to see if they find what was causing all the mayhem. To their surprise, the causes were numerous, and the threats were abundant. If mankind was to survive this onslaught from nature itself, their shots would need to be true, and their bows would need to be swift.

    In Game 1, AF will play either Vic or Ythan. TN can counter with any hero except She-Lah. FTA is decided at random.

    Game 2: Something Strange is Afoot In Kyber

    Far from the trade centers of Brothers Isle and Layar, there was no more wealthy destination than the mysterious city of Kyber. For many years kings from both central Layar and Irum attempted to coop the mighty city. At times the flames of war even arose over the Kyberian insistence on strict isolationism. The Kyberians invariably won every battle on the strength of their superior training. But the tolls taken on the popularion of Kyber added up. Desperate, the high priest of Kyber called out for help to the brother gods, begging for their intervention. But alas, the enemies of Kyber were also devout worshipers of the brothers, so there was no help to be found from the heavens. With no where else to turn, it is said that Markus betrayed his own soul, performing a sacred ritual designed to honor Ellos in the name of the dark diety Asyn, patron lord of the Ravagers and of destruction. Suddenly, their numbers were no longer dwindling. The forces of nature sensed the desecration of all they found sacred and have moved to oppose it.

    In game 2, AF will send Markus and TN will send any hero except She-Lah. FTA is random.

    Game 3: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing.

    In the years of Dark Claw's savage rule of the Wulven packs, theforces of nature learned to depend on his ruthlessness whenever thehunters or rampaging armies began to threaten the natural order. Thatchanged when the ravagers came and began burning down entire forestsin their wake. Some wulven leaders questioned whether it made senseto reach out to the Human heroes to combat this common threat. ButDark Claw always held firm that the Humans could never be trusted.One fateful day, in the wake of a surprise attack by a military forceled by Boris Skullcrusher, one of Dark Claw's chief lieutenants namedShe-Lah fled from their burning encampment. A mercenary working withthe humans gave chase and cornered She-Lah in a gully deep in thewoods. When she turned to face the mercenary of Southroad, she washolding a pup, not more than 2 weeks old if a day. The mercenary,Xandria is said to have lowered her sword and walked away. It wasthis moment of mercy that inspired She-Lah to break ranks with hermaster Dark Claw and become an independent defender of the forest. Afriend to wolf and man alike.

    In Game 3 TN will send She-Lah and AF counters with any hero. RandomFTA.

    2 Wins in this round will advance the winning side to Round 2.

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    Round 2: Winners from Round 1 will play each other in round 2 in abest of 3 set.

    When the forces of civilization have settled their differences, and face the forces of nature and rugged individualism, the future of the world will be decided. In truth, the ends will be the same. Will it be a return to simpler times only to rebuild overarching powerful governments? Or will the establishment continue to grow in power until it inevitably collapses to begin anew...

    Games 1 – 3 will each be played with the winner from the RC / TOR set sending any hero vs any hero from the winner of AF / TN. Keep in mind, a hero on a team cannot be repeated until all heroes on that team have played a game in the tournament, and no hero on a team may be repeated more than once.

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    Round 3: The Ancient Powers vs the Champions of Round 2

    The wisest sages of the Templars, the ancient archivists of theScaleforge, agree on little with the most learned of the Elder Mages,but on this there is no daylight between their sentiments. In the endthe Ancient Powers will return to take back that which was stolenfrom them. They fear neither man nor beast, and are masters of theShadow. As the struggles above find their champions among thecultures of Balor, these primal forces must be acknowledged.

    This is a 5 game set - 3 wins to advance. TAPgoes 2ndin each game and may send their heroes in any order. The winners ofround 2 can send any hero to any game, but must not repeat a herountil all heroes have on their team have played, and may not repeatany one hero more than once.

    3 Wins in this round will earn that side the victory in the tournament overall.

  7. #7
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    General Rules
    The same player may not participate in this tournament with more than one account.

    A team may not repeat a hero until all heroes on that team have played a game, and no hero may be repeated more than once.

    If a hero is repeated, they can use any deck build for that hero.

    A single player may not play 2 different heroes, UNLESS by the end of registration, not enough players have registered to fill all teams. In this case, a player may occupy more than one hero on the team to fill out that team.

    You may register for this tournament even if you are already WC qualified. However, each team must have at least 3 players who are NOT already WC qualified.

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    Each player on the winning team will receive 5000 SC, 12 PAC, a commemorative playmat and sleeves celebrating the Battle for Balor, and a web store gift certificate for $100.

    The winning Team will be issued 3 WC invites to be distributed to their team members by unanimous consent of the team's players. If unanimity cannot be reached, the TO will assign the 3 WC tickets to the players on the winning team he feels has earned it during the tournament game play.

  9. #9
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    The Battles Play Out...

    Set 1 Game 1: Majiya Provides Cover
    The Queen of fire, was not an easy hero for Rothem to persuade, but her proximity to the opposition allies to the west made her worth the trouble to try. Perhaps Nishaven took too long to convince the people of Irum to send help, or perhaps it was just fate that pre-ordained the result. But as the relief forces marched under Jericho's banner to assist King Warner's armies, they were interdicted along a narrow path between two rocky cliffs. The troops from Irum fought with valor, but sinkholes below and fireballs from above proved to be too much for the forces of light. The final blow was struck when the Black Sky Behemoth crushed the last of Jericho's stalwart soldiers beneath its massive feet.

    After hearing that there would be no help coming from the west, King Warner looked to the east to the Templars of the Brother's Isle. If the gods were willing, perhaps they would be able to weaken the advancing forces before they arrived. But now it was certain. The Battle of Castle Layar was to be. Nothing could stop that now.

    Set 1 Game 2: Templars to the Rescue

    King Warner's scouts watched the whole thing as it went down. The ship from Brother's Isle landed on the coasts of Layar and the templars under the command of Zhanna Mist unloaded and prepared to march. All the while, Rothem's forces were edging nearer and nearer to Castle Layar. It is said that this was the moment that Asyn smiled at the opportunity to get even with the Seven who so long ago excluded him from their games in the early days of Balor. An opportunity to destroy some of what they had created had arisen.

    Ter Adun, master of destruction took to the battlefield this time to delay this latest relief attempt headed for Castle Layar. Zhanna's forces were prepared, their lips still wet with the ceremonial chalice when the battle began, but Ter Adun almost immediately broke into a frenzy! The Devoted Knights began the advance and Zhanna's prayers were potent and powerful. But when the enemy forces emerged onto the battlefield, they were not Ravagers as had been expected, but legions of the undead marching mindlessly into battle. There were no screams to be heard as the templars landed their blows, just the silent crumple of bones as more and more undead came in to replace them.

    Twice the forces of the sea were called upon to rid the plains of battle of the horrifying scourge of the dead. But in the end, it was Ter Adun that made the difference. Armies need weapons of war, armor and other implements. It was Ter Adun himself that denied the Templars of the things that might have won them this pivotal battle.

    When the scouts returned to Castle Layar and told Warner what they had witnessed. He first resolved to defend to the death the castle he held. But Aldon the Brave came to him with another way. "My Lord. You can become a martyr today and be written into history as the last hope of man which was extinguished by the evil that overcame the land. Or - you could be the man who recues Balor from that scourge in the end by taking your expeditionary force into the wilderness. Rebuild your armies elsewhere and have our redemption in the end. But the latter - must be done NOW."

    Warner peered out of his tower once more to see the armies and their torches growing outside his walls. "Make ready the horses. We ride tonight. We must keep the hope of man alive through this darkest of all nights."

    So it was that when the battle was met at Castle Layar, King Warner was nowhere to be found. It was a swift siege, with many human forces surrendering shortly after it began. Historians are conflicted on how to portray King Warner of Layar. Was he a coward when it counted, or is he the man who will save mankind in the end? Only time will tell...

    Set 2 Game 1: Rangers Scout Ahead

    The slaughtered caravans and lost soldiers in the south of Ellos had gotten to a point that required serious investigation, and so the great woodland scout Ythan assembled his forces to look into the matter. Things seemed a bit off during their journey. The sun shone a bit less brightly during the day, and the torches seemed to flicker a bit more dimly as they camped at night. There were more than a few causes for alarm on the way to the Dendroid forest, but each was set aside as just the dread of exploration through dangerous territory.

    In fact, the danger was far greater than could be expected. Suddenly with the moon just starting to rise in the sky, a howl rang out. The huntsmen lept to their feet and armed themselves for combat. The element of surprise however was just too great an advantage for the creatures of the forest. By the time the hunters were able to manage any sort of defense, a horde of wulven creatures led by Bloodfang and his apprentice Saltfang had them surrounded! The Deepwood Tigers struck out in defense, but it was too late as the midnight masacre of the huntsmen ensued.

    The battle was over almost as soon as it started, and the savage hounds proceeded to eat their prey so as to leave future intruding humans no evidence of the horrors that lurked in the forests. With the scouting force put down, the Naturalist forces turned their eyes to the one oasis of true civilization imposing on otherwise rustic rural territory. Kyber. The great walled city would have to be dealt with to make clear that mankind's incursions were not welcome in this part of the lands.

    Set 2 Game 2: Something is Afoot In Kyber

    The Wulven leaders scouted out the city of Kyber. The towers were high, the archers were many, and the solders were vigilant. A frontal assault against these walls would surely be suicide. Moonstalker suggested perhaps abandoning the effort, but then a whiff of smoke began to permeate the campsite, and strolling in came Raikka exuding her usual arrogance.

    Darkclaw bristled, "Go back to your cave mage. Your forest creatures will be no better at a siege than our packs."

    Raikka smiled wryly and replied, "I agree. That's why I have brought a new friend."

    Just then, from out of the surrounding brush emerged the children of Asyn, the Ravagers - led by that infamous anarchist Agnar the Flameborne. Darkclaw turned slowly back to Raikka. "You dabble with powers you cannot control. But yes - it is a fitting end to this human incursion."

    That night, as the moon hung low in the sky, the assault began. The Feasterlings and Towering Brutes led the charge, allowing an easy toppling of the gates raised by the Kyberian priest. Rather than throwing the masses of Kyberian soldiers at the incoming ravagers, Markus chose to meet them with Templars, still loyal to Markus from before his fall. But once Agnar the Flameborne made his presence known, the gates fell and the people scattered as Ravagers ransacked the city and looted the ruins.

    Raikka stood at the fallen gates of Kyber and smiled. As the wulven onlookers began to receed into the forest she called out to them, "What about Layar. We can fight them there, or we can fight them here. The clash is inevitable."

    Round 2 Game 1: The Forces Of Nature Land on Layer

    Rothem's acquisition of Castle Layar required a time consuming transition. During which time, The Naturalist forces gained a hegemony in the south of Ellos, rounding up and capturing the fleeing Kyberian soldiers, and training them to fight in Wulven led armies. Finally, when they were ready, they embarked for Layar to make a surprise attack from the southern coasts.

    But Rothem did not get to be King of All Layar without anticipating threats of all types. His spies had been feeding him with reports of the mobiulization of the Wulven forces for months by the time the expeditionary force arrived. He met them on the beach with his forces ready for their stealthy attack.

    The Kyberians seemed to fight much harder for their usual leaders than they did for this Wolf Moonstalker that conscripted their services. There were no valiant Vampirarchs giving their mortal lives for their cause. Still the battle seemed balanced as Rothem's forces were amplified by the Ascendant of the Horde and the first young Dragons to take the field of Battle in a Layarian army. Then suddenly, in an instant, the forces under Moonstalker disappeared into the brush. Rothem had seen this before, he knew that the next move could easily overwhelm his forces - but he was prepared.

    Suddenly he launched his powerful shadow ability with a Nocturnal Advantage over his foes who were preparing to pounce! Once their covers were exposed, the battle was over in an instant, and Moonstalker was send back to Ellos in defeat with the few survivors from his party.

    Round 2 Game 2: The Unifier Strikes Back

    So confident was Rothem in his defense of his southern coast, that he was certain the forces of nature had been repelled once and for all. Nothing could be further from the truth. Weeks later, as Rothem's right hand man Logan was patrolling the south of Layar, he was suddenly set upon by a horde of wulven beasts. It was Saltfang who led the charge as the blood moon rose over the battlefield. (cont)...

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    (...cont) Even as the primed combantants were scrambled in defense, unseen wulven forces descended on them from the trees. She-Lah entered the fray brandishing her huge bludgeon. Logan's forces finally mobilized their Towering Brutes to slow down the enemy's advance.

    Just then, at the stroke of midnight, the hordes of wulven forces flooded in enormous numbers and massacred all remaining resistance in Logan's troop. As Logan began to effect a fighting retreat, he hurled his javlin at the enemy and fled back to Castle Layar. His message would not be well received by his master. The forces of nature were not to be so easily deterred.

    Round 2 Game 3: Baduru Goes Hunting

    King Rothem fumed at the failure of his right hand man, Logan to fend off the forces of the wild. So great was the king's wrath that the scribes say the walls of Castle Layar shook. His inner circle was silent as the king pressed them for answers. Finally, the master hunter Baduru stepped before the throne. He bowed to the king presented his bow to him. "You will have the pelts of Dark Claw's pups."

    Baduru and his forces landed on the coasts of southern Ellos, and disembarked under cover of night. But there would be no hunt. The harpies had seen the ships arriving at the shore long before they landed, and Saltfang once again was waiting at the edge of the forrest, leading Dark Claw's forces. As Baduru's Karash and Tiger vanguards sprinted into battle, the outlaw Deleval joined the fray in defense of the creatures of the wild.

    But slow and steady was Baduru's advance. Once the spotters were deployed, the arrows fell like rain into the hearts of the woodland creatures. Wave after wave of nature's might were repelled by Baduru's systematic advance. In the end, it was Baduru himself with only the soulless bodies of his forces piled around him that put down the wilderness army. Dark Claw retreated into the forests once again. The greatest battle of all was had between nature and shadow civilization. And for now, nature had been defeated.

    Round 3: The Ancient Powers Must Be Dealt With

    While the wars above raged relentless, the Ancient Powers bided their time. With each battle of the living, more and more numbers were added to the ranks of the dead. The primal forces of death and the elements watched, and waited, until the time was right to reassert their unchallenged dominance over all things mortal.

    Rothem though was not naive as he consolidated power over surface worlds. He did so always with the knowledge that death waits for no man, and we all are doomed to rejoin the elements in the end. But so great was his hubris, he believed that through the call of the crystals and the power inside, he could defy even the most inevitable foes of time, death, and the elements. So it was that he decided not to wait for these primal forces to come for him at the end of his life, but rather to challenge them on his terms.

    Round 3: Game 1 - Vess Returns to the Underworld

    It came as no surprise that when Rothem chose his emissary to scout out the underworld to see what awaited them in the darkest reaches of Balor, the task fell to Vess, who until recently has dwelt among the dead. This was "her turf" and she planned to use her knowledge of all things below to turn the established tide against the more traditional forces of death and the elements.

    Spearheading Vess's forces was the wulven traitor, scouting ahead to find the Vangard of underworld forces. The Ancient Powers were ready for the incursion though. The towering presence of Praxis stood as a bulwark against their advance. As he is known to do, Praxis quickly took control of the battlefield sending his lieutenant Ozonf to the front flanked by undead creatures on all sides. But Vess anticipated this maneuver and quickly disabled all the undead forces Ozonf could muster.

    The fighting was fierce as one after another the bones of another undead creature fell prey to the ravages of Vess's wulven armies. Vess's army slowly overwhelmed the elemental lead undead forces - once the swarms were on them, even Thu'ful was unable to save them from the rabid grinding jaws. As the last of Praxis's troops fell, Vess cast her gaze deeper into the underworld. This victory was certain, but would it last?

    Round 3: Game 2 - Shadow Hunters Square Off

    The victory over Praxis emboldened KingRothem who could feel his power growing every day. He knew that many of his subjects still revered the Ancient Powers, and wanted to make a statement. So, he turned to the deadly hunter Skervox to seek out and vanquish the armies of the ancient hunter of the dead, Banebow. Such a direct assault on the underworld would certainly cement in his subjects a feeling of hegemony over the realms, but was he up to the task?

    The Ancient Powers were not unaware of the goings on above, and had turned to the remnants of the followers of Asyn to reinforce their ranks. The Ravagers had flocked to the ancient powers after their chosen side, the Naturalists had fallen to the upstart coalition of Rothem. So when Skervox crept into the underworld to confront his fellow hunter Banebow, it was not human skeletons and Cryptspawns that awaited them, but the fierce ravagers who had made such short work of Kyber only months ago.

    Skervox however, was undeterred. Savages and adders flooded onto the battefield while Banebow was still setting traps with his weevil tipped crossbow in hand. Skervox knew that only a mad rush could hope to unseat Banebow as the preeminant Shadow Hunter, so he was not shy about mixing the conquered forces of nature with his standard issue hunter forces. But as each new wave of creatures fell to Banebow's Assault Plinths, Skervox trusted in the wrath of the forest to do his bidding. Tigers, killer bees, adders – all answered the call of the wild and swarmed into the underworld to face Banebow's near endless armies of disaffected Thriss forces. Zealots hurled their battle cries into the air as they charged in, slaughtering Skervox's forces just before they themselves were cut down in a cloud of venomous gas.

    The battle was long, it was bloody, but in the end, the forces of nature simply overwhelmed the champion hunter of darkness, sending his newly acquired Ravager cohorts scattered to the winds. Skervox had firmly placed Rothem's flag in the outer reaches of the underworld. It was a bold move that would certainly gain the attention of the masters of the dead, for better or worse.

    Round 3: Game 3 - Rothem Goes on the Offense

    When King Rothem got word of Skervox's victory over Banebow, he was exuberant, and let out a roar that could be heard for what seemed like miles. Quickly he called for his horse to be readied. Eschewing the volunteers from all of his coalition, he chose to seek to take the final victory himself. "If that elemental worm stands to oppose me, I will shatter the universe to unseat him.". Rothem assembled his armies and rode off toward the underworld.

    While King Rothem believed he would face the power of the elements in his conquest of the underworld, it was not to be. When he arrived with his forces ready for battle, it was not the elements, but the dead that awaited him.
    Gravebone stood in the breech, silent as always, and motioned for this upstart usurper to join him in battle.

    Rothem turned to his forces and shouted, "Soldiers of Shadow. This day will be written in history as the day that Castle Layar laid waste to the forces of death!" A resounding shout returned from his troops, and savagely they marched into battle. Diverse was the force that King Rothem brought to bear. Dragons, Yari, and Primed Combatants alike - filing into battle and solidly controlling the lines of battle.

    But the forces of the underworld were methodical, summoning Infernus from the grave and calling on the power of fire to vanquish the living. Quickly Gravebone had reduced Rothem's vanguard to ashes and continued to call the dead back to battle. All seemed lost to the ambitious king. Gravebone taunted with his whisper like voice, "Come feel the peace of the embrace of death."

    Suddenly, as the life was draining out of the assault, Rothem became enraged lept forward at his opponent, "If death is all you hold precious, then death is what I will bring you!"

    Rothem's royal guard of Berserkers and Primed Comnatants lept to his side and in a flurry, it was over. Death had been defeated by the living, and Rothem was the undisputed King of all Layar.


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