Have not been posting for a while. Since this is the first post after some time, let’s try something off meta.
Hero: Lance Shadowstalker(50 cards)
Ally (14):
4x Zailen Crusader
4x Knight of Unaxio
4x Irina, Guardian of the Swan
2x General of Unaxio
Ability (27):
4x Moment of Acquiescence
4x Extra Sharp
4x Bad Santa
4x Silent Strike
4x Backstab
4x Glimmer of Hope
1x A Legend Rises
2x Anarchic Looting
Item (4):
4x Justicar's Cape
Location (4):
4x Sosilo: Brothers' Landing
Deck Code: 875005B
The core is Sosilo lance, with the addition of Irinaand Extra Sharp
to the lineup.
Irinais now a Templar ally, taking the bonus from Justicar’s Cap. With Lance
ability, she can attack 3 times in a row. This makes extra sharp valuable as it makes Irina
dealing 15+ damages easily.