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  1. #1
    Shadow Era's Avatar
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    Owner's Box CAGE FIGHTS!

    We are about to announce our first CAGE FIGHTS! What are Cage Fights? They are one on one knock down drag out matches, best of 5 with no deck lock, no hero lock. They are unrelated to the Pro Tour, unrelated to other competitions, BUT the winners will be invited to an invitation only tournament in December*** which will be used to seed the last 10 placements on the 2023 World Championship! There will also be a prize pack presented to each winner to be announced later!

    Here is how it works:

    We will post Cage Fight time slots as separate forum posts. Any qualified player, based on List A, can issue the challenge to any player or entity shown on List B. Then, the player or entity called out must reply “I accept”. The first valid challenge that is accepted will get the time slot, so monitor the forums for new timeslots to be posted.

    Each time slot will be broadcast on Facebook Live, Youtube, and Twitter by Stumpy Pup Studios with legendary commentators Sir (Paul) Vato and Insano Mango doing the play-by-play!

    List A:
    ToQualify to Call Out a Cage Fight:

    • Players can qualify to Call Out a cage fight if they are available at the posted time of the Cage Fight, have Telegram, and meet ANY ONE of the following criteria:
    • Elitist: Attach a screenshot showing a 230 or higher rating at the time the Cage Fight is called out.
    • Guild Member: Player is an official member of a Sanctioned Guild.
    • Legend: Player has won a monthly challenge in the current or previous calendar year.
    • Supporter: Player has purchased at least 2 Exclusive Bundles, or 1 pet with a cost of at least $40 in the current calendar year

    List B: Viable Targets include:

    • Champion: Any prior World Champion or WC Runner Up
    • Legend: Any prior Monthly Challenge winner
    • Organizational: Any Sanctioned Guild not already the target of a confirmed Call Out for this Cage Fight – The Guild called out will assign a champion to answer the challenge
    • Prowess: Any specific player with a 230 or higher rating
    • Flashy: Any player with a personal Custom Playmat (include screenshot of target player using said playmat)
    • Big Shot: Any player with a * by their name (previous Token Holder)

    The Process to Call Out a Cage Fight is:

    • First come first serve – make the Call Out as a reply to the specific Cage Fight post. The Called Out cage fight does not become official until it is answered by the target. Here is the template for the language: <official IGN> Calls Out <insert target official IGN> for this Cage Fight.
    • The target then must answer “I accept”. The player accepting the challenge will receive 1000 SC just for accepting the challenge, payable after the match is fought.
    • Only viable “targets” may be called out.

    ***if not enough Cage Fight winners exist at the time of the tournament in December, other players willbe selected through other means to fill in any extra slots.

  2. #2
    Shadow Era's Avatar
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    1) If you call out a match, it is accepted, and you win, you may not initiate another call out, though you could be called out by someone else if you are eligible. If you lose a match you initiated, you may initiate another call out if you like, assuming you still qualify.

    2) If you are called out and you win a match, you will have earned an invitation to the December tournament. However, if you are called out again and accept, you will receive and extra 500 SC for accepting a match you did not need. Win or lose. Furthermore, each cage match won will improve your seeding in the December tournament.

    3) If a guild is called out and assigns a champion to defend its honor, that champion will receive the usual acceptance prize (win or lose after the match), and the guild leadership will be allocated an additional 1000 SC to send to any player in the guild, (other than themselves).

    NOTE: IN addition to the entry into the Invitation Only tournament in December, Prize Bundles awarded to the winners of each Cage Fight will include:

    1) 2500 SC
    2) 3 Pick a Cards
    3) A Cage Fight Survivor Sleeve
    4) $15 Gift Certificate to the Web Store


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