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  1. #1
    Junior Member Judgment_Day's Avatar
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    December Challenge Decks

    Another month of the rebirth of the game and another event that gives new players the opportunity to become a little bit richer. SC earned from victories can be spent on mats and sleeves. And get the foil version of your favorite hero for 25 wins.
    I think this is more than generous towards new players, but there is one problem. New players don't know enough about the mechanics of the game to build a competitive deck under normal circumstances. And with additional restrictions, they have no choice but to throw any garbage into the deck, as long as there are no more than three copies.
    This leads to the fact that the players themselves do not know what to expect from their deck, lose matches and get a negative gaming experience. I don't want people to leave the game because of this experience. Therefore, I decided to share the builds that I effectively use in the ranking. Not all of them are mine. For Aramia and Elemantalis, I have to thank the reigning world champion: SET tommytpr. I will also be grateful to any of the professional players who are ready to supplement the selection with their builds.

    Hero: Banebow (Undead)
    Deck Code: 1483405C

    Hero: Baduruu (Resource Destruction)
    Deck Code 1503664B

    Hero: Majiya (Sticky)
    Deck Code: 1082756B

    Hero: Gravebone (Eearlier Pressure)
    Deck Code: 2792542B

    Hero: Elementalis (Mana Curve)
    Deck Code: 643244B

    Hero: Aramia (DMB Location)
    Deck Code: 3952505B
    Last edited by Judgment_Day; 12-09-2022 at 05:20 PM.


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