Hero: Gravebone (41 cards)
Ally (16):
4x Darkwood Leech
4x Brimstone Devourer
4x Falseblood Cultist
4x Infernus, Tyrant of the Damned
Ability (12):
2x Bad Santa
4x Fireball
4x Supernova
2x Ley Line Nexus
Item (12):
4x Tome of Knowledge
4x Mending Golem
4x Voice of Winter
Deck Code: 483706B
For control lovers that don't want to stall out the game with solo mages. Control the board with Brimstone discards, Novas and Voice of Winter. Heal with Mending Golem and Darkwood Leach. Cheat in Infernus with GB ability and burn their face.