Boring af, with some cute cards:
Hero: Zaladar (41 cards)
Ally (29):
4x Darkwood Leech
4x Frostflame Harpy
2x Death Mage Thaddeus
3x Voracious Arachnid
4x Brimstone Devourer
3x Reactorary
2x Flameborn Defiler
4x Falseblood Cultist
2x Aldmor Vanquisher
1x Vull the Insatiable
Ability (7):
1x Shriek of Revulsion
1x Shadow Font
4x Mind Control
1x Eternal Renewal
Item (3):
1x Antimatter
1x Aural Battery
1x Life-infusing Scepter
Location (1):
1x Rankett: Proving Grounds
Deck Code: 1063143B
I would remove Rankett. Useless and nearly caused me to lose 1 game. Good replacement: 1 more SoR and I was lucky not to face any warriors/attachments in all 3 rounds.
Vull was critical to win a game in rd2 vs MS by removing stealth. In final round, game 2, at 9 life, he survive the turn with 1 life left and turn the game around with harpy and DMT already in play.
Vanquisher takes the place of 2 x Life-Infusing. That's it.
(Note that removing Rankett could mean that Defiler/other homunculus could be changed for other cards too)