There are few ways now to build a midrange Logan and they are quite solid variations thanks to buff to Logan's ability, some changes to old cards and few new ones. Here is one of them:
Hero: Logan Stonebreaker (41 cards)
Ally (19):
4x Ironhide Karash
2x Fuzam, Yari Blademaster
2x Death Mage Thaddeus
4x Braxnorian Blacksmith
4x Yari Marksman
2x Yari Plunderer
1x Barrabus the Tainted
Ability (12):
4x War Cry
2x Smashing Blow
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
1x Rampage
Item (9):
1x Boooomerang
4x Pithing Spear
2x Training Sword
2x The King's Pride
Deck Code: 673307B
Good alternatives are Aldreides instead of Barabus, or Arthyle instead of The King's Pride. You can drop Training Sword and War Cry for Berserker's Edge or Javelin and then use Bad Santa or Sac Lamb for supplementary draw. You can also try different early game allies. Sword Gobbler is pretty solid pick now if you need 4hp 2cc ally, although Karash and Fuzam play better into optimal curve for this deck, which is to kill an opposing ally on t3 with your 2cc ally + Spear which is one of the stronger tempo openings in the game right now. If there are a lot of weapon heroes in the game then Rust Weevil is your best friend.