Post your deck theorycraft or actual tested decks in this thread from test server. Please include test server version as well and your thoughts about the deck: idea behind it and expected strength of the deck.
Post your deck theorycraft or actual tested decks in this thread from test server. Please include test server version as well and your thoughts about the deck: idea behind it and expected strength of the deck.
Retired Card Game Designer
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”
― Nikola Tesla
v 4.01
Hero: Logan Stonebreaker (40 cards)
Ally (20):
4x Sword Gobbler
2x Fuzam, Yari Blademaster
2x Rust Weevil
1x Gloomwielder
4x Braxnorian Weaponsmith
4x Yari Marksman
2x Yari Plunderer
1x Barrabus the Tainted
Ability (12):
3x Despair
2x War Cry
2x Smashing Blow
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
Item (7):
1x Boooomerang
4x Pithing Spear
2x Lythian Sledgehammer
Deck Code: 783249B
An update to midrange Logan deck. Sword Gobler now provides strong opening with Pithing Spear follow up. Having 4 health makes going second a lot easier. Change to Logan's ability helps a lot with his old weakness of low damage output so there is probably no need for King's Pride or similar cards anymore.
Retired Card Game Designer
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”
― Nikola Tesla
Hero: Tala Pureheart (40 cards)
Ally (22):
4x Puwen Bloodhelm
4x Braxnorian Temptress
3x Midnight Sentinel
4x Layarian Knight
3x Aldon the Brave
1x Aldreides the Aged
2x Warner, Throneless King
1x Kion the Magnificent
Ability (11):
3x Lythian Shackles
3x Bad Santa
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
Item (2):
2x The Last Harvest
Location (4):
4x Arthyle's Pass: Dead Man's Breach
Tiny Tala shell with Warner at the top end. Pass can provide ambush and haste for Warner, Temptres defender, Aldreides shroud, Kion steadfast, Tala's ability protector.
Last edited by Veles; 08-04-2021 at 06:35 PM.
Retired Card Game Designer
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”
― Nikola Tesla
v 4.01
Hero: Rothem, King of Layar (40 cards)
Ally (18):
4x Brutalis
4x Ironhide Karash
4x Sword Gobbler
3x Darkwood Leech
3x Treetop Spider
Ability (12):
3x Despair
4x Bad Santa
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
Item (5):
1x Ascendant of the Horde
4x Pithing Spear
Location (4):
4x Arthyle's Pass: Dead Man's Breach
Deck Code: 1533671B
Testing buffs to early game allies. Brutalis actually has minor synergy with the location. Because allies have ambush, it is easy to make him have 2 attack on summon. Treetop Spider is also nice with Rothem's ability and location, attacking twice. Leech helps with damage from location and BF. Gobbler is good opening with Pithing Spear follow up.
Retired Card Game Designer
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”
― Nikola Tesla
v 4.01
Hero: Logan Stonebreaker (41 cards)
Ally (16):
4x Darkwood Leech
4x Brimstone Devourer
4x Falseblood Cultist
4x Yari Marksman
Ability (11):
3x Despair
2x Smashing Blow
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
1x Rampage
Item (13):
4x Transporting Golem
1x Mending Golem
4x Reserve Weapon
4x Lythian Sledgehammer
Deck Code: 653595B
Testing how Logan stacking his ability affects Seldgehammer, especially if weapon is already buffed via Reserve Weapon. Despair provides good removal and Transporting Golem draw+body, freeing up a lot of deck space. Leech helps with survivability.
Retired Card Game Designer
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”
― Nikola Tesla
Hero: Logan Stonebreaker (41 cards)
Ally (18):
4x Darkwood Leech
4x Brimstone Devourer
4x Falseblood Cultist
4x Yari Marksman
2x Arthyle, Conqueror of Balor
Ability (11):
3x Despair
2x Smashing Blow
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
1x Rampage
Item (11):
2x Transporting Golem
1x Mending Golem
4x Reserve Weapon
4x Berserker's Edge
Deck Code: 573633B
Testing how good Logan is without Lythian Sledgehammer. Pretty much the same deck as above with addition of Arthyle to help close the games bit faster.
Last edited by Veles; 08-11-2021 at 12:17 PM.
Retired Card Game Designer
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”
― Nikola Tesla
A fantastic deck. Higher Ground is actually really strong. Warner coming in as a 4/7 defender protector on T6 is great, but him coming in as a T8 6/7 defender protector ambush haste is awesome. If you wanted to play competitively you could probably drop royal guard, but it is cool to give Warner Shroud XD
Hero: Tala Pureheart (45 cards)
Ally (22):
2x Layarian Diplomat
4x Braxnorian Temptress
4x Midnight Sentinel
4x Royal Guard
4x Layarian Sentinel
4x Warner, Throneless King
Ability (14):
2x Stand Firm
3x Bad Santa
2x Higher Ground
2x By The Sword
1x Smashing Blow
4x Blood Frenzy
Item (4):
4x Transporting Golem
Location (4):
4x Arthyle's Pass: Dead Man's Breach
Deck Code: 3303706B
Black Templars - No Remorse, No Fear, No Pity.
I'm a game designer and blogger. Check out my blog:
Urge to Ascend feels unreliable. Early game it is expensive to attach and neither player has a lot of shadow energy. Late game it's 4cc for +4 attack, which is great but the deck still feels lacking. That said, I once tried aldmor vess to see if it was a possibility for a tournament, and it really sucked. So at least it is viable now.
Hero: Vess Swifthands (48 cards)
Ally (21):
4x Aldmor Interceptor
4x Darklight Apprentice
4x Aldmor Scout
3x Golem Engineer
1x Disciple of Aldmor
2x Aldmor Chieftan
1x Aldmor Sentry
1x Aldmor Vanquisher
1x Darklight Timelord
Ability (22):
4x Crippling Blow
4x Ellos' Resolve
4x Blood Frenzy
1x Enrage
1x Rampage
4x Confluence of Fate
4x Urge to Ascend
Item (4):
4x Transporting Golem
Deck Code: 1333652B
Black Templars - No Remorse, No Fear, No Pity.
I'm a game designer and blogger. Check out my blog: