Deck size: 48 cards minimum (47 + 1 hero)
Hero + Deck Lock
Public decklists
Best of 5 games
First turn advantage (FTA) is random on games 1, 3, and 5. FTA in games 2 and 4 alternate (for example, if you go first in game 1, game 2 you go second).
After a loss, declare any card name in the game. Your opponent must take out all copies of that card from their deck for the rest of the match.
Example: BT Mojorge Vs. BT Sigismund
BT Mojorge wins game 1. BT Sigismund bans Lakmire, and BT Mojorge removes all 4 copies from his deck.
BT Sigismund wins game 2. BT Mojorge bans Fire Snake, and BT Sigismund doesn't remove anything from his deck because he doesn't run Fire Snake.
BT Sigismund wins game 3. BT Mojorge bans Ley Line Nexus, and BT Sigismund removes 2 copies of Ley Line Nexus from his deck.
BT Sigismund wins game 4. He has won 3 games now and wins the match. BT Mojorge is such a noob!
Tournament directors: BT Mojorge, BT Sigismund, BT Jagmaster, BT Zotti
Sign ups begin: July 5th
Sign ups end: July 19th
Prizes: (provided by Kyle and the PT committee)
- Bragging rights
- World Championship Ticket for top 3
- 1st: $500, 2nd: $250, 3rd: $100
- A lot of Shadow Crystals
- Pro Tour Points
Post your in game name and Telegram handle to sign up. Additionally, by July 19th, submit your deck list through one of the following methods:
1. Before July 19th, put your list on and send a tournament director the link, and then after July 19th, send the password link to the cryptobin.
2. Before July 19th, enter your list into the google form here:
None of the tournament directors will view your list before July 19th (although they may check to make sure you have submitted something), so please make sure your deck is not illegal (under 48 cards for example) before submitting your deck. We will be publicly posting all deck lists so that everyone can see them.
1st: A1 Fakekiki
2nd: RS PhillipW
3rd: A1 Anubis
Total rewards:
A1 Fakekiki: 5000sc $500
RS PhillipW: 3000sc $250
A1 Anubis: 1500sc $100
BT Meth: 1000sc
SET Foxhound, SET Kass, SET Caliba, SET Joker: 500sc
WC tickets awarded to: RS PhillipW, BT Meth, SET Foxhound