Hero: Logan Stonebreaker (61 cards)
Ally (12):
4x Spitfire Hound
4x Ravager Zealot
4x Braxnorian Weaponsmith
Ability (24):
4x Valiant Defender
4x Bad Santa
4x Melt Down
4x War Cry
2x Battle Charge
2x Smashing Blow
1x Enrage
1x Rampage
2x Mettle of the Warrior
Item (20):
2x Smith Shop
2x Crown of Ages
4x Boooomerang
4x Chaos Engine
4x Pithing Spear
4x Thriss Crucible
Location (4):
4x Ravenscrest: Valley of Secrets
Deck Code: 1085975B
This is a hybrid between Smith Shop Logan and Support Ter. The deck can be extremely powerful if you survive early game and setup the combo.
There are 2 major draw engines: Chaos Engine and Ravenscrest: Valley of Secrets. Both works in a way that turns your cards into cantrips.
It features the endgame combo of Boooomerang/Smith Shop/Mettle of the Warrior.
Support abilities include Valiant Defender, War Cry and Battle Charge. All of them are warrior abilities which activate Mettle of the Warrior.
Keeping up the draw is important in early game. Play a control approach and defend with your weapons. Try to sac every turn and build up your resources and draw engines. With the cost reduction of Ravenscrest: Valley of Secrets and Smith Shop, you can usually out-draw and out-tempo your opponent in late game.