Well to the point......im thinking about the music of the game that is pretty good but i had an idea time ago......im a producer and i study music at university i have knowledge about mastering and sound desing, i�ll be glad of make songs for the game......my idea is make a song for each class (mage, pries, elemental)...... way that if u play against an elemental u hear the song of the elemental or upside down if u play with an elemental u listen his theme.........i think this because (with no offense) to the composer, the battle music it stressed me out and.....this game requires to be focused and the loudness make distraction and is not in accordance with the moment......my pruppose with the music is that can take you deep into the game..of course I lOVE THE START THEME OF SHADOW ERA.....XD IS UNTOUCHABLE...i can do sounds effects too.... i made a song thinking in the Wulven playstyle and the feeling that u will die when u face them..... to show you that im thinking .....i hope you enjoy