Guild Ez (Easymode Zettai) official board

Shadow Era gives us a great experience that "conversate" with deck. It means build and play deck as like talk with, understand the meaning of each card`s role or how many copies input the deck, there is certain meaning. Then that deck answered to me??? If no, why? The builds? Or problem of draw source? Or because of playing?
I say It is a precious time, thank you Shadow Era.
"Shadow Era is the origin, supreme, firmness."
However on rating match, the deck high rated player using is very tough, solid and flexible. Because it is well conceived, and tested. Now we decide to raise a guild to face them and beat them like Dragon's tooth.
Who we are
A new guild formed in feb 2020. Our purposes are
1. Make each play-skill higher
2. Share information (deck, strategy, etc.) eachother
3. Make competent player and respect every SE players
4. Appeal Shadowera to other japanese gamers
5. We never do malicious solicitation or extortion, just for self-expression in SE
Ez leader
Ez Taraco is leader and founder of Ez.
We are "NOT" meant to be only Japanese guild, but none of us English speaker, so there is a barrier of language. But if you interest us and wanna join us, plz contact below.
Ez Taraco
- taraco555 (telegram)
- taraco_dxm (twitter)
Ez Ashyoak
- Ashyoak (telegram)
- Ashyoak_se (twitter)
Ez members
Ez Taraco
Ez Perry
Ez Ashyoak