My second deck with Zantonite. I can’t hide how much I love this card!
Hero: Elementalis
Allies (24):
4x Aldmor Interceptor
4x Darklight Apprentice
4x Zantonite
4x Aldmor Artisan
4x Stardust Extractor
4x Aldmor Chieftan
Abilities (3):
3x Replicate
Items (8):
4x Aldmor Accelerator
4x Regression Chamber
Locations (4):
4x The Wilds: Trading Port
= 40 cards
Deck code: 1013730B
This deck takes on a combo approach, with the aldmor/artifact/location package.
Like other aldmor decks, interceptor is your main control tool. You can go the normal beatdown route with Interceptor/Apprentice > Artisan > Chieftan if going first. If you go second, try to stall with Interceptor and set up Chamber.
The major target of Chamber is Zantonite. Do not hesitate to target Chamber even it has one durability left, but it’s obviously better to target Accelerator if possible. The location provides draw and resource acceleration with NO side effect, because you can destroy your own artifact and left nothing for your opponent to target. By destroying your own artifact you can activate the location, making you almost able to activate it every turn, that’s a lot of tempo gain and card advantage.
Try not to sacrifice any artifacts if possible. They are your bullets and cannot be reloaded. If you like recycling, Aldmor Scavenger will be an excellent addition to the deck.
In between Zantonite / Artisan / Extractor / location you would never run out of draw. Once you get one of the piece on board the snowball will grow continually. However, my favourite play is Replicate. Zantonite / Artisan / Chieftan all have stackable ability. The more copies on board, the stronger the synergy. The extra ally played can be readied by Chamber, not to mention you have a tempo gain by paying 3cc to play a 4cc ally. It’s just useful in many cases.
This is a skeleton of the deck which tries to focus on the combo consistency. If you want to make it competitive, add some meta tech cards such as Mind Control etc.
Look forward to see your own version of the deck!