So, I want to make my forum name and in game name the same thing, but I think there are some issues with that. Here are the facts:
- My active forum name has an email address that is tied to an inactive game account (the name on that ign was converted to a number, due to inactivity)
- My active IGN "C D" is tied an inactive forum account of the same name.
- All of my pertinent kickstarter and token holder rewards are tied to my active IGN and inactive forum name (the DP visionary title, for example)
I know its against the rules to have two forum accounts, but I've never posted on the other one, nor sent any messages. I don't mind it being removed.
My goal is to make my IGN and forum name the same thing, whilst having all of my backer benefits and forum seniority still recognized.
What should I do?
PS: Feel free to move this post to a more suitable section