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Thread: Black Market

  1. #11
    Senior Member Kross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Mann View Post
    It doesn't help early game so ideally I'd play it on T6 or later. The only time I was glad to play it on T2 was going 2nd vs a Lance who played an Agent Rex on his T2. Nice bait for him to steal, but it gave me board and it meant his Rex couldn't steal my IGG.
    Lol that was me! I realized immediately that was a misplay on my part, but I still think Black Market should come down as early as possible.

    I feel like when you play against players with good decks, Black Market will at the very least be a Tome of Knowledge that also removes options from your opponent's deck -- and if you throw in just ONE additional card that can take stuff from your opponent, BM becomes absolutely insane. I don't think you need to build a deck around it because its so powerful in a vacuum already.
    Last edited by Kross; 11-18-2018 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #12
    Junior Member TheGreatness's Avatar
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    I was thinking it just needs Sustain: 3SE. Sustain is hardly used as far as I can tell.
    Last edited by TheGreatness; 12-02-2018 at 08:40 PM.

  3. #13
    Member Kohen Gadol's Avatar
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    I used to roll my eyes when I would play particular decks and players would auto-concede at the outset. This is the first card that's made me regularly do it myself. I'm not going to suggest the card is broken. But speaking only for myself, playing against Black Market Serena takes the fun out of the game, and I refuse to play against it anymore. You get all your cards, and all my cards too. No, thanks.
    IGN: RS Kohen Gadol

  4. #14
    Shadow Era's Avatar
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    It got nerfed a bit for 3.66

    ll098 Black Market - Ability changed to "Allies and items you do not own cost you 2 less resources to summon. 4: Draw a card from target opponent's deck." (from "Allies, items and abilities you do not own cost you 2 less resources to summon. 4: Draw a card from target opponent's deck.").

  5. #15
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    This card drives me away from the game like no other, I have nothing against drawing cards from the opponent but why that cards cost 2 less resources to summon. It makes the rough main drawing opportunity of the game.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Darkloki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmicic View Post
    This card drives me away from the game like no other, I have nothing against drawing cards from the opponent but why that cards cost 2 less resources to summon. It makes the rough main drawing opportunity of the game.
    I totally agree with this sentiment. As soon as that card comes out, I know that all the fun of the match is about to go out the window for me. Much like someone else said.. with Serena... they get all their cards, all my cards, and can force me to discard too. It's ridiculous. Add to the fact that the stolen card costs less to cast makes it even more frustrating.
    IGN: Darrkloki

  7. #17
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    Black Market's stupidity is clearly shown when the opponents are mages: Mage class draws are almost entirely centered around items. A rogue deck usually runs cards that enable them to destroy those and get ressources and their own draws. So rogues will usually end up ahead in draw but add Black Market into the mess, they stop you from drawing cards, get ahead in their own draws and ressources AND get the same draw power (1 per turn) from the MAGE deck as the mage itself AND get to use those cards cheaper.

    It baffles me how a card like that was included in the same set as Grave Robber, a similar card with item and ally stealing abilities, but with actual downsides.

  8. #18
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    A 2 cost card that allows it to steal a card every turn at a small resource cost and has no durability? Seems bizarre.

    I have never beaten a half decent Thoughtstripper with BM. With any luck whatsoever they take a few essential cards either ruining your draw, momentum or key allies/weapon at very little cost.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Nijjis's Avatar
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    It’s actually a pretty huge resource cost though.. at least initially in the early game.. cost 6 resources just to steal your first card which is a pretty huge investment. Also black market is not nearly as good in any rogue class outside of Serena, so I think it was intentionally designed as way to increase the power level of Serena. In my opinion Serena absolutely deserved this buff as lance and Garth were typically more powerful.

  10. #20
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    I completely disagree with the feeling of this card


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