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  1. #1
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    Question Question about Stardust Actualizer Mechanics

    When you summon allies with Stardust Actualizer, the summoned ally's ability only works if its not a targeted ability. Considering Stardust Transfuser is a piece of the Elemental Ally set, why cant we use targeted abilities on summon, when we summon an ally with Stardust Actualizer ?

  2. #2
    Senior Member tolerance's Avatar
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    Ally is entering play instead of being summoned thus the on summon ability will not trigger

  3. #3
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Yes, as tolerance said, in Shadow Era there is a difference between "summon" and "enters play". "Enters play" is actually a broader term, and includes "summon", as well as when an ally comes into the field from anywhere else, like the graveyard. "Summon" is specifically when you cast the card from your hand. This is why something like Shadow Knight doesn't do anything when resurrected by Gravebone, his ability is on "summon", while Gravebone causes an ally to "return to play". Something like Forgotten Horror meanwhile will have its ability trigger when revived by Gravebone, as well as when summoned from the hand, because his ability is when it "enters play".

    In regards to Stardust Actualizer then, same thing applies. Something like Shadow Knight or Death Mage Thaddeus won't do anything, something like Forgotten Horror or Harbinger of the Lost will.

    Hope that helps.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Veles's Avatar
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    To explain it specifically in Actualizer and Transfuser case: Player summons Actualizer by playing it from hand, thus its on summon ability triggers. Top card is revealed to be Transfuser and it enters play as 1/1, but its ability is not triggered since its ability triggers only on summon, when played from hand, and it was played from the top of the deck.

    Now lets look at case where the top ally is Forgotten Horror and not Transfuser. Actualizer reveals the top card is Horror and then Horror enters play as 1/1. Since Horror's ability says it triggers on entering play, which includes entering play from the top of the deck, he will do 4 damage and freeze.

    Now, it is true that so far all abilities that trigger on entering play are untargeted ones and that is purposely done for ease of gameplay and keeping consistency how cards behave on each player's turn. If on entering play effect is targeted, the question becomes what happens if an opponent's ally with an effect like that enters play during your turn? Since Shadow Era doesn't have interrupts we can't switch back the control to the other player to choose targets. If we choose not to trigger effect in that case then we have a card that behaves inconsistently depending who's turn is it.
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  5. #5
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    Ohh I see now. Thanks for the answers guys. Now i get it

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