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  1. #11
    Junior Member TheFast's Avatar
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    I figured and I very much appreciate that

    Also @Mango, thanks for the input. Fireball is good, but so is LS. Using all the generic "good cards" would actually lead to a classic spell wizard, you know, 4xToK, 4xFireball, 4xLS, 3xNova etc.
    Last edited by TheFast; 04-11-2018 at 12:45 PM. Reason: Lack of "vision"

  2. #12
    Senior Member seedog's Avatar
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    Hey Fast nice deck!

    I agree that direct damage cards are not needed for portal decks. All you need is Transmogrification Curse to remove Brax and you are golden

  3. #13

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veles View Post
    Based on my experience with Smuggler and Bandit in my other decks they are fun more cards. If you want to win more often I would recommend better 2cc and 3cc allies like Layarian Knight and Aldon. Going first you can get ahead with them so you don't need to play catch up. Here is an old portal Loest deck I had. Issue with it since last update is that Sorcerer of Endia has become low impact ally in terms of attack power, I would recomend subbing him for another hard hitting utility ally like Eris. Without sorcerer there is probably no need for 4 of Transmog Curses. But basis is good.

    Hero: Loest, Savior of Layar

    Allies (21):
    4x Layarian Knight ~400g
    3x Aldon the Brave ~430g
    3x Priest of the Light ~460g
    3x Sorcerer of Endia ~120g
    3x Tainted Oracle ~450g
    3x Raven Wildheart ~400g
    2x Nathanias, People's Champion ~1000g

    Abilities (12):
    4x Fireball ~150g
    4x Portal ~390g
    4x Transmogrification Curse ~300g

    Items (7):
    4x Tome of Knowledge ~100g
    3x Dagger of Unmaking ~600g

    41 cards ~ 19340g

    So possibly -3 SoE and -1 Transmog Curse for +1 Tainted Oracle +1 Eris(Although Bog Dweler is great to kill of Cripled TOs) +1 Kion and +1 Lay Line Nexux.

    I am not a fan of Amulet of Conjuring in Portal decks since you want to have lot of resources. 4 ToK, 4 TO and 2 Nathan should be enough draw.
    hey man i have a very similar deck but no portals as i am not sure how to use them efficiently, can you help with that?

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  5. #15
    Senior Member Veles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dastan24 View Post
    hey man i have a very similar deck but no portals as i am not sure how to use them efficiently, can you help with that?

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    Instead of portal you can play more burn spells like Lighting Strike and Supernova. If you want to go all out aggro I would lower ally curve so you top at Tainted Oracle. Alternative is to go midrange in which case I would add Phoenix Urigon.
    Retired Card Game Designer

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