Apart from my eldest daughter's phone, which I struggle to wrestle off her at the best of times, we have no Android devices in our house (unless you include some Amazon Fire products).
I think this has been a hinderance to my ability to test Android builds for Shadow Era (I can't) and prevented me from doing my own Android experimental development as well.
With a bit of money coming my way soon for being Chairman of the Board, I think a good use of that money would be to buy an Android device that will help with Android testing and debugging issues people report. (It's always been an area where I have to just plead ignorance and being helpless to do anything. I'm tired of that blocking me to help you guys!)
In the spirit of quid pro quo, I'd really appreciate it if folks with Android devices they are happy with (for running Shadow Era as well as for other reasons) could give me their recommendations.
Thanks in advance!