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  1. #1
    Senior Member tafkad's Avatar
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    Exclamation News - no auction house even considered yet

    Quote Originally Posted by tafkad View Post
    If only we just had a way to get some value out of our $ spent hunting foils allowing us to trade off the extra's and get more foils, I don't know like some sort of Auction House maybe? not sure anyone has ever suggested that before.... but seems like a good idea to help wulven make more as well in a round about way

    your call
    Quote Originally Posted by Gondorian View Post
    This is a great idea! Why didn't you say something sooner?

    But seriously, it's not my call because this is a business decision. Tweaking the model of how people can get foils could be good or bad and it's for Kyle to decide. My personal preference would be to allow some kind of foil trading with the merchant for simplicity, where you can only buy the foils that were sold by others and likely at 10x non-foil price. That could work effectively like player-to-player trading with a hefty gold commission fee if players can agree to sell at the same time to achieve a swap.
    Well that is news for all of us that points to no development of any kind of an auction house idea whatsoever, good to finally know. As such I can no longer spend a dime on supporting this game until that changes. Years of waiting for this and all the other missing features - not good management at all.

    Gondorian's suggestion is half way there but to keep in line with the business model, which is the sale of Shadow Crystals, any type of solution will have to involve Shadow Crystals as currency for foils (merchant or other) - also not looking for a complicated player to player trading system like he suggests that involves timing & hoping (no one else snipes your deal). Looking for a way to get rid of and collect more in a MEANINGFUL way that is equal to the $ I spend to get them (see next section).

    On a side note - having Hero cards as randoms in the premium foil packs is the most retarded idea ever, nothing like opening a pack with 2 of the 5 cards being Hero cards - happens a LOT and nothing like having 6-7 copies of foil heroes that have ZERO value because selling to the merchant for gold is a slap in the face after taking my money when there is no way to get more foils by any other means except the current methods (chests, packs, premium packs, prizes) because gold in this game is only good for beginning players - once you have all the cards it's just another useless stat on the screen "Oh look I have millions of gold, hmm what shall I use it for?" we all know that answer - if heroes are in there it should only ever be 1 per pack and for that matter should be auto-included as a sixth card

    Since this is as Gondorian put it Kyle's decision, well then Kyle needs to step up and make a permanent PUBLIC decision on what we can do with the massive amount of duplicate foils we end up with. Not some dance around the issue reply either or some sort of "maybe" but a real decision. That is if he wants to keep the $ flowing in from a certain sector of supporters.

    Your call now Kyle

    not going to hold my breath on this one
    Last edited by tafkad; 07-19-2016 at 05:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Lead Developer / Designer Gondorian's Avatar
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    Thanks for making a new post about this rather than further derail that other thread. I don't really follow what you wrote. I didn't say there was no auction house in development - only that it is Kyle's call on what to do. And with the approach i pitched then you absolutely would be able to use all your spare millions of gold getting foils. We would likely up the gold sell value of foils to encourage more pack buying and spare selling if my model was used.

  3. #3
    Chat Mod Kip thorp's Avatar
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    Your Call Kyle?

    Wow, haven't seen ya around in a while and this is how ya come back? I mean yeah, if ya got a stock pile of gold and not much new to spend it on, I see that point, but man it's a game, It's going at the pace it goes and its lasted a whole lot longer than many other games. And it's free? If you choose to spend money on anything then you do it by the structure of that game, that's your choice, I'm sure there are plenty of newer players who love getting a hero in a pack. I don't, I don't care, but you choose to buy it, w money for crystals or just the crystals you've earned. Would I like an auction house or the abilty to trade, sure. But it's not here, so whatever.

    I choose to buy packs and Mats and sleeves, because they look great and it does support the game. Which I guess brings me to my point, if I ever had one.

    I'm really sick of the negative posts from established players, it's not like we don't know how it goes here, things take time, a lot of time apparently. But that's SE, think about what these posts do to new players, think about how many games I'm sure we have all just quit or the game died that we had credit of some sort on. It's our choice to play and pay or not to.

    Yes, you have every right to voice your opinion and I don't blame you being frustrated. But why....another thread just complaining,

    Kyle, your call to make this game was great, I hope it is moving forward, it has grown so much in my 5yrs (a universal lifetime in gaming).
    So I'll close this by saying , "Yes I hope there are improvement and releases continuing to come out, but I want to thank you and Gondo and Deane the SE community and everybody else for the game I've played tor longer than any other video game in my life" (and that's saying something because I got to play the first ever games.
    Last edited by Kip thorp; 07-21-2016 at 12:20 AM.
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  4. #4
    Chat Mod Ross013's Avatar
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    The thing is with people complaining mostly about Kickstarter stuff not being delivered on yet, but with Kickstarter, nothing is guaranteed, you are essentially donating money to a business and in return you'll get some sort of gratitude which is usually in the form of merchandise or something else related to it. Business models change, priorities change, nothing is set in stone. While I can agree that a progress update, or even just some light shed on the situation would go a long way, refusing to support the game is completely detrimental to what you want, the business needs capital in order to deliver, and by people not supporting and making a song and dance, it puts other people off spending money, which then ultimately leads to more of a decline in progress, you're basically saying 'I took a gamble on investing in your business, and because you haven't delivered product that was in no way guaranteed, I'd rather let your business suffer'

    It's a game, games take time, even for bigger companies, let alone smaller ones like wulven. Have a bit of patience, and show some gratitude to the people who are putting a lot of effort into delivering a good product which, by the way, is as close to free as it gets in this sort of market.

    And before anybody comes along and says 'hearthstone manages it'

    Yes, yes they do. They also have huge teams of developers and millions of dollars to spend, and they still rip you off anyway.


    Wulven are doing a good job, and I urge anybody who agrees to show some support in this thread.
    Ross014 - Intrepid Learner of Secrets
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  5. #5
    Senior Member akratch's Avatar
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    Had to move on to hearthstone. This game is dead, IMO.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Junior Member magorules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akratch View Post
    Had to move on to hearthstone.
    Last time I played HearthStone, I cast a spell that put a random creature on my hand, when that creature died a new random creature was put on play, and that new creature did damage to random enemies when I played more creatures ... (Unstable Portal -> Piloted Shredder -> Knife Juggler). I think I left HearthStone because of how many times I had to use the word "random" on my statements

    I'm not saying anything new on this post, but IMO the state of Shadow Era is obvious: it's an unfinished product. There are lots and lots of things to integrate on the game, like a friends system, a rewarding single player experience, improved visual effects (if tidal wave has a great effect, anarchic looting 's should be no less), audio effects for each card ... those kind of things that make you buy a product.

    Yes, right now you can play the game, and the game itself is incredibly balanced and deep; but to sell it you must integrate all that rings and bells HearthStone has, and for wich HearthStone lives or dies. Because let's be clear, HearthStone is not a card game, it's a slot machine.
    Last edited by magorules; 07-21-2016 at 06:39 AM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member tafkad's Avatar
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    Premium content costs real money, that's why Wulven keeps coming up with new offers - to make money. These deals lately for $20 a pop are not about getting a mat and sleeve set, I would never pay $20 for that - I buy them for the 2 PAC's to get two foils of my choice and the 2700 Crystals to open premium packs. How long will anyone keep paying if they don't change the way we can make use of the premium content we pay for? In FACT if there was a way to auction off foils for Crystals as well as mats and sleeves you did not want, then I'd buy multiples of the same deal because I want the 2 PAC's ! since the random selection in the premium packs gives way too many duplicates - then I could auction off the extra mats and sleeves and duplicate foils


    Quote Originally Posted by Gondorian View Post
    And with the approach i pitched then you absolutely would be able to use all your spare millions of gold getting foils.
    Buying Crystals IS the only current business model in the Digital version - your suggestion totally subverts that model and as you put it this would be a business decision, no way that is a smart one

    gold for foils is never going to happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Gondorian View Post
    I didn't say there was no auction house in development
    No you did not - but you did state what your preference was that is "NOT" an auction house and it does not take a programmer to read between the lines, because if there was an auction house planned you would not have said what you did say and would have said something else, the point being:

    Well then which is it, since you are on the inside development scene - is there one in development or not?

    That would be a yes or no

    If not yet, will there be one?

    You can just dodge the questions if you like..

    Quote Originally Posted by Kip thorp View Post
    Your Call Kyle?
    Wow, haven't seen ya around in a while and this is how ya come back?
    Gondorian said it was Kyle's call - did you not get that? so how does repeating it make it any different than truth? Show me ONE post on this entire forum where a person says clearly "I messaged Kyle with a question about game features planned and he wrote back to me" to my personal knowledge I have never gotten a reply from him the few times I asked him any kind of question and he is way busy so I did not expect to really - I can find a bunch of posts showing silence as the main reply (public and private) - but he does read the forums from time to time, even if he chooses not to answer any real questions (public and private) so maybe he will read and at least consider making a decision - it's not like I expect a reply

    Come back ? - man that only proves how dim you are, well at least you nearly spelled everything correct this time, must finally have learned to use spell check.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kip thorp View Post
    If you choose to spend money on anything then you do it by the structure of that game, that's your choice, I'm sure there are plenty of newer players who love getting a hero in a pack. I don't, I don't care, but you choose to buy it, w money for crystals or just the crystals you've earned. Would I like an auction house or the ability to trade, sure. But it's not here, so whatever.
    My post is totally about spending money within "the structure of that game" and your replies are all just defensive nonsense. Since you don't care what you get in a pack then who cares what you think about it. Yes "NEWER" players that will hopefully stick around to get to -> Nothing like having 6 foil copies of a bunch of different heroes, and by the way how many newer players do you think are regularly going to spend real $ on this game to get those premium foil packs? man you totally miss all the points don't you? you don't even think about what you read before you start waving the flag and writing your defense. Nothing you said was anything other than your usual defend the ship dribble, like always.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kip thorp View Post
    Yes, you have every right to voice your opinion and I don't blame you being frustrated. But why....another thread just complaining,
    Just because a post is not all Kip approved does not make it "just complaining" and if you had read it with an OPEN mind instead of that Wulven can do no wrong mindset of yours you might have seen that. Oh wait that's right lets all smile so the new players think everything is perfect so Kip can keep pretending to be everybody's favorite self nominated resident greeter and promoter - I want an answer to the question, is there or is there not ever going to be any form of auction house or way to make use of massive duplicate foils? since you don't have an answer to that what is your point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross013 View Post
    by the way, is as close to free as it gets in this sort of market.
    Was I talking about getting something free? I can get free in other games that don't SELL premium content - and the ones that do sell premium content let you trade that content since it was NOT free - that is if they care about their paying customers [ BTW - I purposely did NOT bring up (or quote you on) KS or HS and now you opened that can of worms so the rewards are yours Ross ]

    I want an answer to the question, is there or is there not ever going to be any form of auction house or way to make use of massive duplicate foils? and since you also don't have an answer to that what is your point? let me guess more Wulven can do no wrong since you are happy dribble just like ...

  8. #8
    Senior Member tafkad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tafkad View Post
    not going to hold my breath on this one

    as in .....

    { Why have the digital items in the Wulven store been removed? Started by tafkad, 12-20-2015 01:15 PM}

    Quote Originally Posted by tafkad View Post
    (Note: I do not mean the "Special Sale" items that come and go)

    I have asked in the Chatbox, messaged 2 Wulven people, and am asking here since there is no answer. Go to this page:

    Click the Link embedded in the sentence " To purchase Shadow Crystals for the digital game, order direct from us and save up to 50%! " to go to the Wulven store.

    There is no Crystals, No Pick a Card or any digital items for sale.

    Why? has Wulven made enough money now so that there is no reason to allow players to help support them - by purchasing digital items? I highly doubt this and would really like to know what has changed to make these items no longer available for purchase. Shouldn't there always be stuff at: for sale even during and after the "Special Sales" come and go?
    NEVER did get any answers for that from any of the polite questions through any of the available methods (private or public) shortly after that the new $20 deals started showing up on a regular schedule but still no permanent offerings

    I've done nothing but TRY to find a way to put more $ in Wulvens hands and you can read into it what you want but an unbiased view can see the truth instead of getting their feelings all hurt.

    1. PAC should ALWAYS be available, not sure why they removed it but I think it needed to stay and the price needed to come down ($20 = 2700 SC = 5 Premium Packs = 25 foils = $0.80 for each Foil) $10 for 2 PAC's was too much

    2. ALWAYS have Shadow Crystals at the official store since it is STILL being advertised as such on their website (the current offering is a "special" for July and has not been in the store for a long time)

    3. Make an auction house JUST for premium content that uses Crystals only as currency

    Want to support the game you love so much? then get on board or get lost because if you are not on board with it then you don't really care about getting more $ into their hands and only care about your own Free enjoyment of their work - those 3 points I listed above = a permanent source of income, without the 3rd point (auction house) then eventually there will be no income

    (NOTE: Premium content gotten form wins should not be eligible for this type of sale, only only foils mats and sleeves gotten by the use of Shadow Crystals you PAID for should be allowed to be auctioned and should only be allowed to be bought with Crystals PAID for NOT with Crystals won)

    If I can auction off my excess duplicate premium content that I paid for and you can buy Crystals to gain these items at auction and then auction your duplicates and unwanted premium content you pay for then everybody wins, and more often than the current model allows for
    Last edited by tafkad; 07-21-2016 at 07:05 AM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member tafkad's Avatar
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    This thread is mainly about an "AUCTION HOUSE" and if you can not keep on track with that please go start a thread on whatever you want but keep all comments here about an "AUCTION HOUSE" - if you want one, if you don't, why or why not, how you think it should be done, when you think it should be done or how not and when not - I don't ask that you agree I am just trying to get to the point for the people who CARE about this one specific issue - if you don't care about this issue then this thread does not concern you and you can go back to posting on whatever it is you do care about

    Any other statements have no value to the topic

    To be clear:
    I want one
    For premium content attained from spending real $ only
    To be used with Crystals attained from real $ only

    Because all of that adds up to more actual $ support for the game
    Because it creates a more meaningful structure for paying customers who "Collect" premium content
    Because hundreds of foils paid for with way too many duplicates and too many missing cards have ZERO Value without this


    The merchant already lets us sell and buy all the cards and achieve trading to a certain degree so we don't need an auction system for the non premium content at all.

    Think there has not been any questions about it? look into this search "auction house" to see the answer:

    13 pages going back to 2011

    How long is too long?

  10. #10
    Junior Member magorules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tafkad View Post
    Any other statements have no value to the topic
    Lol, relax man.

    Ok, right to the point: I see Shadow Era as a CCG, not a TCG; it is a product before it is a game, so it doesn't need a way for players to trade cards, just a way for them to collect cards.

    I agree, nonetheless, that spare copies of foil cards should have some kind of value aside from some gold pieces. For example, you could be able to sell them for shadow cristals to have a refund in some degree.

    But an auction house would let everyone toha every foil in a very short time, and that would be bad for the business. I understand this, and agree that an auction house is not needed, and that it could even harm the game.


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