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  1. #1
    Lead Developer / Designer Gondorian's Avatar
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    Gondorian's 20,000th Post (worth a read!)

    Hey, all!

    As you probably already know, I like to make a big thing out of arbitrary milestones, so this post is here for me to celebrate my 20,000th forum post with the community that has become my second home (some might say first home!). In a similar fashion to my 10,000th post, I’ve put a bundle of things into here for maximum impact! Let’s go!


    Firstly, I want to properly introduce myself. My name is Ian. It’s not a great name, I know, but that’s what my parents called me and I aborted my plan to legally change it to Jack about 7 years ago. Feel free to call me Ian (or Jack) from now on if you want to.

    Many thanks to those people who already knew I was called Ian yet continued to call me Gondorian, GDC, GondorianDotCom, Dorian Gon, Gondalf, G-man, G-dog, G-spot, G, The Big G, Masterbuilder, Ace, Captain Awesome, etc. I didn’t openly reveal my name all this time just because there wasn’t a need for it. But I have always felt that being behind a persona was limiting how much I could connect with people, so I’ve decided to finally announce it. (If you’re someone who has battled with this dilemma, share in a post below. I’m interested!)

    In the spirit of better connecting with you all, here's a reminder of some previous posts I made that share a bit more real life stuff:
    * From Zero to New Heroes
    * Gamer. Designer. Coder.
    * Two Months in the Life of Gondorian


    I'm pleased to announce something very special that we're implementing as part of this celebration. It will be an API (Application Programming Interface) that 3rd party tools, like the deckbuilders on (here and here), will be able to use to access your account and offer features beyond those in the official client.

    Potential features include:
    * export decks to backup all your saved slots or share them with others
    * import decks that you've built outside the client or others have shared with you
    * export your collection, to build from a limited pool or just see what you're missing
    * export various stats about your account (e.g. play history)
    * enquire about card prices and merchant stock
    * get a gold price list for building a deck (from scratch and also from your existing collection).
    * and much more!

    When you add all this together, it leads to some fantastic possibilities! Now's the time to request the features you want built on top of the API, so the external tools folks can work on them for you and we can prioritise which API features to add first. I hereby confirm I will be updating to take advantage of all of this!


    You may or may not know that I’m a big fan of deck building, which makes me much more of a Johnny than a Spike or Rainbow Dash. But since I spend most of my Shadow Era time designing and implementing cards these days, I don't actually get to do that much brewing of my own. But I love to see it in action.

    Consider this a heads-up that I will be launching a huge brewing contest in the near future with the top prize of 20,000 Shadow Crystals, and 20 additional prizes of 1000 Shadow Crystals.

    More specifically, the contest will involve crafting a deck of your own from scratch and writing an accompanying article about it, talking about the brewing process and then how the deck works. Something like this, in other words:

    Brewing Time with Unicorn Johnny #1

    All entries will need to be submitted via and will be evaluated on various criteria, including originality, quality of writing and how the deck actually performs (they will all be easy to netdeck and test via the aforementioned API!). The decks won't necessarily have to be tier 1 competitive, if you prefer to go for some theme (e.g. allies on horses) or pure fun factor or building from a budget. Feel free to start brewing now, or asking questions on this thread, before the contest officially begins.


    If you signed up for the game in 2015 and are currently below level 20, I've made a thread where you can reply with your IGN and some info about how you found the game to receive some digital booster packs. I have some in my account from the SF Kickstarter and I don't need them, so I'd love to help some new players grow their accounts a bit.

    OK, that's it! I'm going back to working on Lost Lands now.

    p.s. If you haven't guessed already, I am also the Unicorn Johnny that wrote that article.

  2. #2
    Member Tria's Avatar
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    You would think you would spend more time enjoying 20k, but no.
    Spamming more already

    IGN Triassen.
    Elementalis <3

  3. #3
    Senior Member jonmaciel's Avatar
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    You forgot to include a few other names:

    Lego Man
    The Lego Man
    Dat Lego Man
    That Guy With The Legos Who Posts A Lot (big fan favorite)
    IGN: TJ jonmaciel
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  4. #4
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    i'm am interested in those 20000

    grats on milestone
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  5. #5
    Chat Mod Ross013's Avatar
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    Brewing contest?!? In in in
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  6. #6
    DP Visionary Preybird's Avatar
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    Congrats Ian Finally the (thin) veil of secrecy is lifted!

    I also refuse to call you Jack until you buy a trench coat.

    Last edited by Preybird; 07-23-2015 at 04:01 AM.
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  7. #7
    DP Visionary Demnchi's Avatar
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    Congrats on the milestone! I still can't ever fathom how you get so many posts lol.

    Have fun with your contests and giveaways and thanks for all that you do around here!
    Was the Leader of Acolytes of A1

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  8. #8
    Lead Developer / Designer Gondorian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tria View Post
    You would think you would spend more time enjoying 20k, but no.
    Spamming more already

    Those next 20,000 won't write themselves. (I retired the auto-posting tool due to overheating my laptop.)

    Quote Originally Posted by starval View Post
    You forgot to include a few other names:

    Lego Man
    The Lego Man
    Dat Lego Man
    That Guy With The Legos Who Posts A Lot (big fan favorite)
    Yeah, much better than Blockhead (courtesy of my wife).

    Quote Originally Posted by Daddy Is Here View Post
    i'm am interested in those 20000

    grats on milestone
    Cool. I will announce in due course. Gotta work on next Lost Lands spoiler article first though ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross013 View Post
    Brewing contest?!? In in in
    Great. See above!

    Quote Originally Posted by Demnchi View Post
    Congrats on the milestone! I still can't ever fathom how you get so many posts lol.

    Have fun with your contests and giveaways and thanks for all that you do around here!
    Cheers, buddy!

    EDIT: Hmm, I missed a trick by replying to all 5 in one post. Milestone posts are hard work though, so I might try to fit as much in every post as I can from now on.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Kross's Avatar
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    Why Jack, if you dont mind me asking?

  10. #10
    Chat Mod Kip thorp's Avatar
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    Hey bro, Ian is a fine name, your contributions to Shadow Era are great and proven by the longevity of your posts.

    Now let's take a careful look at all the 20k posts here in SE'ville?

    I believe you've wasted at least 2000 on your personal addiction . LEGO's. I'm sorry but we have to subtract that. And trust me 2000 posts is generous on your side.

    You have also ruled on many, many card rulings. Now you may be part of PFG since day one and you may have also built many of the members of PFG out of LEGOs ( don't make me get the Picts). But there are many posts that are questionable and the validity of your authority to call or rule on those card rulings is still in question.
    So once again being generous we must deduct 5000 posts from you.

    Ok that's 7k - 20k = 13k , give or take a bit.

    Now with that not unrepeatable number of 13k posts, we must take a very careful look at all the posts you've done here in General chat, related game , banning game, , what freelings you want us to reveale to youso you can use that info to better get your Psycology degree and control us mindless sherp! Plus , now we have this fat burning infomercial of a thread "How can Gondo lose fat because I'm a fat bastard who only keeps going for my post count" and cannot really get my ass up from this stupid computer (not the actual thread name but kinda gets the idea across ....btw, no cigs or fags as you Brits would say in 3 weeks. HA! ) .
    Banning and locking many different threads here, hate and completely unproductive threads must be included as well, I'm sorry but we didn't hire you for that. Mod does not mean moderate , ok, m'kay. Ya got dat?

    3000 - 13,000 = 10,000. My but my how the mighty have fallen

    Ok now I'm sorry to be the one to report this to you but we are going to have to void many , many of your posts in other threads as you have done them under false pretenses.

    Any and all posts in official game play forum must be deleted. Yes it was hard work, yes it was for the good of SE but it all happened before it was official , (sorry irc was offered as an option, not an official option, just reading it as it's written)
    3000 - 10000= 7000.

    Now hey, that's still dam respective!

    But I'm very sorry to have to revoke 6,950 last posts, I mean , well. Let me explain.

    1) they have mostly been made in the hopes of growing SE
    2) they have helped many a player find thier way to glory in SE
    3) they have been fun , friendly and for the most , the best part of a Brit that can be shared electronically or "over the inter-web". As you back ass-wards folks across the pond say. I think the fish and chips have gone to your brains, or maybe it is the Legos.
    4) but really the whole reason we must reduce your posts as much as we have............

    Is because you'll have to stick around and do it all again!

    Total posts = 6950 -7000= 50 posts,
    Welcome back to Junior member status. (How does it feel yo be young again! )

    Thanks Gondo, was nice to watch you work.
    (Best post your, ever get, ! )
    Last edited by Kip thorp; 07-24-2015 at 03:37 AM.
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