Deck lists on Wulven's issue tracker
Premium Human Warrior Deck (60 cards with Tala Pureheart)
Sell price = 6475G
Premium Human Mage Deck (60 cards with Aramia)
Sell price = 6885G
Premium Human Hunter Deck (60 cards with Ythan Redthorn)
Sell price = 7080G
Premium Human Priest Deck (60 cards with Threbin the Righteous)
Sell price = 6595G
Premium Human Rogue Deck (60 cards with Garth Ravensoul)
Sell price = 6835G
Premium Shadow Warrior Deck (60 cards with Vess Swifthands)
Sell price = 7055G
Premium Shadow Mage Deck (60 cards with Raikka Spellseeker)
Sell price = 7255G
Premium Shadow Hunter Deck (60 cards with Skervox)
Sell price = 6220G
Premium Shadow Wulven Deck (60 cards with Bloodfang)
Sell price = 6595G
Premium Shadow Elemental Deck (60 cards with Praxix)
Sell price = 6820G