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  1. #1
    Senior Member Kross's Avatar
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    A Full Card List Section

    I'm curious as to why all of the cards aren't listed on the Card List page? I'm talking specifically about Corrupted Angel, Soulbound Angel, Carmila, Karlstrad and Scourge... not even Loest and Rothem are there.

    I understand that these are all--in some way--more special than the other cards, but to just not include them on the card list could make it seem like they don't exist for someone that doesn't already know otherwise. I don't see how that could be good for the game overall.

    I mean, I guess I could understand why the two Angels and Carmila aren't included, but the others are actually playable cards that Wulven sells in-game. But even though the former three cards are super exclusive, I dont see why they cant be listed. I believe they say on the card that they are restricted. A label for them on the card list page could reinforce that as well.

    Sure it would be nice to see them on the list, but the purpose of this thread is not to request for them to be added. I am primarily just looking for an answer as to why the cards aren't there, purely out of curiosity.

    Last edited by Kross; 04-29-2015 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ShrapnelFox's Avatar
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    I completely agree. +1

    I would expect Karlstrad, Scourge, Loest and Rothem to be listed.
    As they are purchasable and playable.

    There is no logical reason for them not be included in the list.

  3. #3
    DP Visionary a player's Avatar
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    Has any thought been given to this?

    In a similar vein, the auto-linking of card-images on these forums could use some work. Many cards that have an apostrophe or other punctuation in the name don't link at all, or link to another card rather than the one intended (e.g. Shriek of Revulsion). Some of the older cards will link based on a nickname or shortened form, but newer cards must often be typed in full (Dirk vs. Karlstrad). One year later, and I believe Derkan still links to Brutal Minotaur.

    I'm pretty sure there are folks around who would be willing to help with this stuff, but it just keeps falling through the cracks....
    Last edited by a player; 11-18-2015 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Derkan, not Dakrath (I keep confusing them)
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  4. #4
    DP Visionary a player's Avatar
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    Bump to remind the powers that be: Please update the card lists and links.
    Least active member of: ETC (Ended There by Chance)
    Account for Gondorian to transfer Shadow Crystals to: m0ghedian


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