Knowing what cards to expect from your opponents hand or deck, is no doubt one of the most advantageous thing not only in SE, but in every other TCG. This article will cover basic ways of preparing and playing your deck in a BO3 scenario with giving out the least information possible.
1. Replace all different coppies of the same card with one type of copy, say you have 3 Death Mage Thaddius in your deck, 2 of those are normal art and one is foil, replace foil one with the same art as the two others, here's why:
eg.: you're facing zhanna and you have foil DMTout, she plays Banish
on it (your foil DMT
is shuffled in your library now) on your next turn you topdeck a non foil DMT
and play it (your opponent now clearly knows that there is still a foil DMT
in your deck)
1. Since SE is a digital game theres no way to shuffle your hand, this means - always play the card your opponent have already seen
eg.1: you have no cards in hand and your opponent plays Retreaton your Aldon
, at the beggining of your turn you draw your second Aldon
(Retreated is on the right, drawn is of the left) playing Aldon
that you drew (the left one) will reveal to your opponent that another card in your hand is also Aldon
(otherwise there's no way for him to know what you drew)
eg.2: you have two Bloodpack Shamans in hand, you play the one that's on the right side and return another Bloodpack Shamanfrom your graveyard to the same right side of your hand, DO NOT play the one on the left that was in your hand all this time since it will clearly reveal the last card left in your hand.
2. Do not show cards you don't have to/overkill. When the game is one or two turns away and the winner is clear, many players like to show off what other win conditions or counters they had.
eg.1: You run Baduruuwith x Grundler's Double as your main weapon and x Emore Crossbow
as your secondary weapon, your opponent is at 3 life, all you have to do is use your ability to summon a weapon and attack him, you have both your main and secondary weapon to choose from, but you haven't played any copies of Emore Crossbow
this game, DO NOT use your ability on Emore Crossbow
, since it will reveal what your secondary weapon is.
eg.2: You are turn away from losing to Moonstalker, there is no way out, you have teched in Nocturnal Advantage
, but haven't played it yet, DO NOT play it just to show your opponent that you would've won if you had more time.
3. Turn order. There are a lot of different ways to play out your turn, but there's only few that gives your opponent the least time to adapt to the situation until you end your turn.
Unless your best play suggest otherwise, your turn should go like this:
1. Use draw engine to see if you get better plays
2. Attack with allies
3. Play cards that affect your side of the field
4. Play cards that affect opponents side of the field
0. Using shadow abilities differs depending on the hero you are playing, but it's best to wait for the last moment you can before doing it.
1. Never give out your opponent any information about your hero/build/tech or any other choises you made to prepare for your match.
eg.1: never say things like "prepare to be rushed"
Same applies to in game chatting.
eg.2: "4x unique in hand"
thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated![]()