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The problem here how u play it..Because at High ratings, Your ally will be instant killed and i dont recomment palying early at t4 that since u only have 4 allies and may disrupt everything id u play KOA without LLL..Actually in high rating u can get both LLL and KOA killed and destroyed on same turn (Sherik + ally removal combo)
That why on T4 if you get Crippled by warriors, Assisnated by rogues, Killed by hunters (victor ability or PS), MC by elemenatls or DFA by wulven, mages TCurse, ect ..Its like all heroes are prepared. So u dont wanna risk T4 KOA, and play it T7 with LLL.. Because the higher the rating the almost next trun it go killed..Also not only it exposes your ally to killing, u will empty massively your hand, since u dint draw much early game by T3 armor T4 KOA double discard, which will be very dangerous in rush decks..