GMT +13
IGN: Exterminans
Champion of Shadow Era for New Zealand
Theme Song:
".... there was some dude at same time every day waiting for me" LOL
nice deck & video ! thanks for sharing
I'm trying this deck and it's hilarious to see opponents playing a lot of allies while you are building up the combo and finally you unload it and gg.
I played a few games and saw that this deck has terrible pairings with rush such as "Aramia of Fate", that overwhelmed me two consecutive games before I could reach seven resources.
But as you said, this deck is for fun and you achieved this objetive Rivozzz, nice one
Last edited by Matterito; 12-21-2014 at 10:11 AM.
Aramia has no solution to abilities, so u can stall by Rain delay and smoke screen if she playes allies...
Anyway glad u liked
Neat concept. Note to OP, KoU can actually attack more than 2x in a turn if you have enough dura on armor and abilities in hand
IGN A1 WrathOfCroft
The Unique Never Assimilate
I had not tried this deck concept until 2 weeks ago.
This is what I ran after a number of games on an account in the low 200s:
Lance Shadowstalker
***Allies (4)***
4x Knight of Unaxio
***Abilities (24)***
4x Lay Low
4x Shrine of Negatia
4x Bad Santa
3x Word of the Prophet
2x Mugged!
4x Smoke Screen
1x Nowhere to Hide
2x Anarchic Looting
***Items (11)***
4x Bazaar
3x Loom of Fate
4x Justice's Cape
TOTAL: 39 cards + Hero
Anarchic Looting will be even better after the patch, so it won't hurt as much when you have to destroy your own Bazaar/Loom. I use to get rid of all the Armors people play at this level. Also Ricochet Traps and Anklebreakers. When you go off, you kill in 2 turns so the lost Bazaar won't hurt too much.
I find that the best way to play the deck is to try to go off on T4/5. If they can't answer your 7/9 Knight, you win on the next turn.
If they can, you just load up and prepare to do it again on your next ability use.
Very fun deck.
I had so many fails while learning this deck: playing Lay Low before attacking, playing Smoke Screen before using my ability, not having enough abilities to discard for buff-armor-buff... lolz
Last edited by FDL; 01-20-2015 at 10:12 PM.
There is certain cards you dont need and there is substitute in my original deck and reasons behind it:
1-2 Anchoring lotting: >>>>3 Stop theif
Stop theif is better, it gives you higher resources to acheive combo earlier, and at same time you dont afford to destroy and play again bazaar.
Because your opponent will already try to destroy your bazaar which can be GG if you dont have replacement draw played right away. U already lose big time trying to reach the hard combo at T7, you are busy setting your draw engine and collecting the cards need to achieve the unstoppable combo. To search for such cards + searching again for draw engine while your opponent already trying to do the same and loss of tempo and trying to reestablish everything again is not worth it, you wont have much time..
2- 4 Justice cab>>>>> 2 Justice cap
I tried this deck many times, and found that that armor is over kill.. I many times win without it..At same time it massively empty my hand together with KOA ability.. This is problmetic as you always trying to store many cards in your hand so that the combo is not broken and you are forced at same time to discard 2 cards perturn..So i found that it only may work as final strike and usually my hand gets out of cards by doing so..SO forsure 4 is so much..2 is enough..And if i got it in first turn, i sacrifcie one, and wait only for the second to come later..Because establishing draw engine and collecting needed cards take much effort.
3- 2 Mugged >>> 3 Rain delay
Mugged affect one ally. You need at least 7 cards (with Smoke screen) to prevent any attack of massive groups and it become availabe any time u want. You dont have problem with one ally..I usually take hits and sacrifice RD or SC if i found my opponent not playing much allies so that i grow on resoucres as Laylow will protect me later. So the dangerous is rush decks with many allies ..
4-Nowhere to hide, is a good tech card, but wil he use his ability every turn to avoid attack and drain himself which limit use of NTH? ..May be useful tech though
5-This deck is highly powerful, but it has certain weakness which is mainly Ravagers because of Thriss Ally or hulk + Alamanic boost. Sometimes well timed sherik can be fatal, so u may need to be extra cautious aganist BB or Zaldaar and play stragicly in those games..
So it
ITs is nealy auto win aganist all human decks except priest it is auto loss (TW, FP),
It is auto win aganist all shadow unless they have ravagers or Multiple sheriks, because i found that usually one shreik doesnt make me loss, bec oppoenent play it wrongly at very early so i can reestablish combo..For sherik to be effective, he must wait , take some hits while he brings many allies on board and only use it once for one hit kill
Last edited by Rivozzz; 01-21-2015 at 05:14 PM.
Fair points.
I like Anarchic Looting and the new one will be even better.
When Stop Thief! is good (i.e. only one weapon/armor/trap) to remove it is obviously better than Anarchic Looting, but when you need AL, Stop Thief is useless.
Mugged! is often sacrificed, but it's there for bad draws or Loom of Fate starts. Early on, Mugged is like taking a free turn without giving cards to your opponent.
Rain Delay also works obviously.
I like having 4 armors so I can T3 Armor T4 (or 5) ability + 10/12 damage. This obvisouly requires having Bad Santa to refill your hand (and Mugged/Smoke Screen to protect the armor's durability if they have a 2 drop) but some classes will have trouble dealing with 7 or 9 HP stealthed ally, which gives an opportunity to either win on the next turn or start chaining Lay Low. The bad side is that it ups the item count (and not the ability count).
If they do get rid of the night, you only need one Lay Low + 1 Shrine of Negatia to win with your second ability.
I don't think I've ever used Nowhere to Hide. The lsit I started with had it and I never too it out. It should probably be hte 4th Word of the Prophet.
The problem here how u play it..Because at High ratings, Your ally will be instant killed and i dont recomment palying early at t4 that since u only have 4 allies and may disrupt everything id u play KOA without LLL..Actually in high rating u can get both LLL and KOA killed and destroyed on same turn (Sherik + ally removal combo)
That why on T4 if you get Crippled by warriors, Assisnated by rogues, Killed by hunters (victor ability or PS), MC by elemenatls or DFA by wulven, mages TCurse, ect ..Its like all heroes are prepared. So u dont wanna risk T4 KOA, and play it T7 with LLL.. Because the higher the rating the almost next trun it go killed..Also not only it exposes your ally to killing, u will empty massively your hand, since u dint draw much early game by T3 armor T4 KOA double discard, which will be very dangerous in rush decks..
I agree on one LLL at end to keep at end game and discard rest.
Anarchic Looting works only in case u are playing aganist Baduruu Multiple traps builds.. Otherwise ST is usully enough.. The thing is, sometimes u dont even need to destroy weapon , since lance ability makes KOA attack without being attacked back or affected by weapon. Also sometomes u dont need to destroy armors, most popular is KP, where u KOA gets massively powerfull that it can kill without armors -2 defence.. ST is needed in anooying armors like AOA or snow saphire, black garb