Perhaps a bug exterminator? ( hint to the SE coders out there!)
But really, beta is beta, it's for testing, finding and squishing bugs, making sure the new expansion is a good as it can be. ( plus early access for backers was a bonus, but w/o art it wasn't for me) Key for Wulven, is to keep people playing ( and buying on) live game until new comes out. I mean a guy who gets SE today, won't know or care about SF , but getting double gold and exp, might just keep them playing long enough to stay till the new stuff gets released.
Yeah, it kind leaves us, "old players" out, I mean we all have established decks and such and are a little tired of the same thing. But hell, I only get to play my iPad, I can't get on the live server with 2.8 much less open the dam booster packs I've got waiting for me! ( you have no idea how much it kills me!)
So anyhow, at least it's something, and you can be dam sure I'm gonna grind for some gold, if I can get 4x SF cards w my Gold, then my SC will be for foil hunting , which I have never been able to do.
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Any idea when this thing is goin down?
IGN A1 WrathOfCroft
The Unique Never Assimilate
...i thought it was starting as of Monday morninig (probably Wulven local time)))
"This is who I am, nobody said you had to like it."
TJ 4Ak
Vermilion Bird
The Holy Beast of...
Team Juggernauts
4ak, did i miss it in this thread, or is there another thread?
IGN A1 WrathOfCroft
The Unique Never Assimilate
...nope, i didn't see it anywhere, but since its meant to celebrate 5000 likes on fookbook (which happened over the weekend) i would assume it will be the week after it happened (...this week)))))
...and for once i was actually right in my assumptions - double XP and Gold week started! Confirmed xD
Last edited by 4Ak; 03-17-2014 at 09:49 AM.
"This is who I am, nobody said you had to like it."
TJ 4Ak
Vermilion Bird
The Holy Beast of...
Team Juggernauts
It's on now and will last until midnight EST next Sunday March 23rd!