Masih dua duanya tapi yg ditekuni yugi sama vanguard karna banyak peminat nya di medan
Masih dua duanya tapi yg ditekuni yugi sama vanguard karna banyak peminat nya di medan
Ign : lookman15
Main sejak : lupa, kalo ga salah sebulan sebelum dark prophecies keluar
Tempat : jakarta
Awal main shadow era buat killing time, lama2 ketagihan
masih maen? = kuat modal
met kenal bro hehe
Soal ketagihan, gwa plg hobi maen Meltdown.
Dulu gwa males maen QM, tapi akhir2 ini gwa ngikutin event pop up di guild gua. Cari Win-Streak terpanjang pake Ter Adun, lama2 ketagihan jg maen QM hehe. Seru jg maen QM kalo ada lombanya.
INDO Language Sub-Forum
[SF]Solo Nish/Loest
Ythan Redthorn, Rush of the Twilight Deck
Zaladar, Alpha Strike Deck
Bloodfang, Howl of the Pack Deck
Eyes of the Phoenix
Warrior of the Blue Phoenix
Greatness, Reborn
IGN: BP Dragon
Favorite SE activity: Meltdown & Deck-Building
Favorite Card: Anklebreaker
Favorite Hero: Majiya
Salam kenal buat abakferro, arliqhafiz and udy99, semoga banyak pemain indonesia yang mampir sini...
Main sejak:
Februari 2014
TCG lain:
ga ada
Kesan & Pesan:
TCG pertama jadi masi harus banyak belajar.
INDO Language Sub-Forum
[SF]Solo Nish/Loest
Ythan Redthorn, Rush of the Twilight Deck
Zaladar, Alpha Strike Deck
Bloodfang, Howl of the Pack Deck
Eyes of the Phoenix
Warrior of the Blue Phoenix
Greatness, Reborn
IGN: BP Dragon
Favorite SE activity: Meltdown & Deck-Building
Favorite Card: Anklebreaker
Favorite Hero: Majiya
salam kenal
IGN : The Prince Era
main sejak taun kemaren
Kota : temanggung, kalo ada yang tau. . .hhh
TCG lain : Yugi-oh, elves realm. . .
psan : salam kenal
Kalo udah rame kita bikin grup LINE yuk untuk ngebahas deck dan strategi
INDO Language Sub-Forum
[SF]Solo Nish/Loest
Ythan Redthorn, Rush of the Twilight Deck
Zaladar, Alpha Strike Deck
Bloodfang, Howl of the Pack Deck
Eyes of the Phoenix
Warrior of the Blue Phoenix
Greatness, Reborn
IGN: BP Dragon
Favorite SE activity: Meltdown & Deck-Building
Favorite Card: Anklebreaker
Favorite Hero: Majiya