I was given permission to give a limited number of players access to the beta server through my channel, and thought a good way to do it, would be a deck building contest - of course, it's gonna have rules and a theme though![]()
This week's theme "Rattle My Bones":
- the deck should be based around the use of at least 10 undead allies
- the deck should use cards in line with the theme to support them.
- you are free to choose any hero you wish.
- these decks are not expected to be 'competitive', but rather the focus is on thematic decks and creative decks, as it's really impossible to accurately 'test' a deck without being able to play it
After all the contests have run, if any decks stand out for a high level of creativity or have an exceptionally strong concept, I may give 'bonus prizes' of shadow crystals as well.
You are free to start posting your deck concepts here, only one entry per player will be accepted.
(submissions are accepted either as decklists in this thread, or as links to your a thread in the Strategy forums)