AA1 Jao
repaid in full
final flourish
oliver fagin
sword thief
road less traveled
LTDA - live together, die alone
AA1 Jao
repaid in full
final flourish
oliver fagin
sword thief
road less traveled
LTDA - live together, die alone
Want to Join A1?
A1: Evolution in Theory. To stop evolving is to die.
It is one of my greatest hopes that in the future, mankind achieves enlightenment so high we would not need rules, laws, or government to keep the peace and govern ourselves. By our own motivation and volition, we would do what is right and just because it is right and just. This is the central tenet of anarchy. Not chaos and lawlessness, but free will and self-actualization.
Visit my blog: Potpourri
Ign: Tmakk
1. Skervox
2. Bloodfang
3. Tala
4. Rampant krygon
5. Fortified Wisp
6. Riphide
7. Falseblood Cultist
8. Decoy trap
9. Despair
10. curse of aldmor
Leader of EnlistedtoEndure
If you want to learn more about my guild you can at this link: http://www.shadowera.com/showthread....e-Next-Chapter
Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray that God will bless them.-Romans 12:14 NLT
Guys if you dont have a beta access you can also try winning one here!
Expect the Unexpected! - TJ´s worst writer.
For the player I am now, I would like to thank:
Busti: For always chatting and helping me out.
Bluejet24: For giving me the chance to join TJ when I was just a noob.
Raphael Majere: For simply being the best in every way possible.
IGN: TJ PaleStitch
Formerly known as Barcafan.
I am a avid streamer, come check it out! www.twitch.tv/palestitch
IGN: A1 Ramirez
1. Ythan Redthorn
2. Vess Swifthands
3. Zailen Crusader
4. Irina, Guardian of the Swan
5. Frostmare
6. Cleric of the Asyn
7. Gravemonger
8. Grimghast
9. Midnight Howl
10. Overwhelm
A1's Darkwolf - A1: Evolution in Theory
Season 7 QM: TOP 81 rank
Season 6 QM: TOP 15 + TOP 19 rank
Season 5 QM: TOP 46 rank
Published decks: Moonstalker Behemoth's Resurrection
IGN: A1 Ramirez
Hey GDC!
My IGN is Karlos4
The top 10 cards I am looking forward to SF are:
- Frying Pan! XD
- Threbin
- Road less travelled
- Zailen Crusader
- Cleric of the Asyn
- Yari Bladedancer
- Yari Marksman
- Xander, Yari Captain
- Confluence of Fate
- Live together, Die alone
ign a1 dranucus
my ten cards would be......
stardust amplifier, praxix, soothjaw, aldmor accelerator, living armor, spirit shuriken, thriss almanac, phenix urigon, dakrath, and viska the scarlet blade
IGN: Dave163
Managed to whittle it down from 40:
1. Wulven Scout
2. Harbinger of the Lost
3. Voracious Arachnid
4. Vess Swifthands
5. Growing Bog-Dweller
6. Thoughtripper's Cutlass
7. Grimjaw Hydra
8. Skervox
9. Rothem, King of Layar
10. Loest, Savior of Layar
"I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal"
IGN: Crisco2013
My 10 cards:
1 - Embers of the Just
2 - Zail's Hymn
3 - Righteous Strike
4 - Curse of the Aldmor
5 - Confluence of Fate
6 - Glass Chalice of Knowing
7 - Eriss Fateweaver
8 - Robes of Mending
9 - Rod of Smiting
10 - Threbin the Righteous
Last edited by Crisco; 01-31-2014 at 09:53 PM.
IGN: BP lorgi
1. Garth Ravensoul
2. Threbin the Righteous
3. Rampant Krygon
4. Brimstone Devourer
5. Slingblade Demon
6. Oliver Fagin
7. Road Less Traveled
8. Thoughtripper's Cutlass
9. Dakrath
10. Embers of the Just
Deluded dreamer of universal Freedom
Warrior of the Blue Phoenix
Greatness, Reborn
IGN: TJ Rated GG
1.Thoughtripper's Cutlass (favorite weapon)
2.Spirit Shuriken (close 2nd)
3.Aether Wisp (favorite ally)
4.Abomination Factory (favorite artifact)
5.Road Less Travelled (favorite ability)
6. Live Together, Die Alone
8.Abomination Factory
10.Tenacious Bucaneer