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Thread: Lore Questions!

  1. #121
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roeyba
    Hi, I'm pretty new and inexperienced. Can I have the list of all worlds or something?
    As far as I can gather from what I know and other posts in this thread:

    Balor: The main human world. Contains countries of Layar, Irum, Lyth, Gaderi, Vozit and Ellos, as well as mysterious region known as The Wilds.

    Tinnal: Home of Wulvens and Minotaurs.

    Schueth: Home of the Undeads.

    Thriss: Home of the Ravagers.

    Emore: Home of many fire creatures, except Firesnake.

    Rackack: Home of Firesnake.

    Orem: Home of Elves (e.g. Majiya and Baduruu).

    As far as I know those are all the ones that have been mentioned.

    Also, a link to the map of the Human world of Balor:
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  2. #122
    Senior Member jonmaciel's Avatar
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    One thing I notice about the lore is the lack of details around the locations of Shadow Gates in Balor. I know they were in countrysides so its hard to pinpoint an exact location for. But maybe pointing out the closest cities on the map of Balor to them would be great. I also have a hard time deciphering major camps/meeting points for the Human and Shadow armies. Where do they prefer to congregate? Where do they train and strategize? I guess I picture Gunther's army to be more like a traveling army like George Washington's. But even George Washington had "decision makers" based in philadelphia and some in new york city.
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  3. #123
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    Hey Nacho,

    I love the lore of card games and how so little can convey so much, especially with a game like this. This one has been bugging me. Who are the seven gods of Balor? Does Unaxio count as one or two? What are their domains? I have read the lore posted but feel I am missing some stuff.

    Timothy Rogers

  4. #124
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tmtrog7
    Hey Nacho,

    I love the lore of card games and how so little can convey so much, especially with a game like this. This one has been bugging me. Who are the seven gods of Balor? Does Unaxio count as one or two? What are their domains? I have read the lore posted but feel I am missing some stuff.

    Timothy Rogers
    Nachyo actually isn't part of the DT anymore, so can't really answer here, but I will try from what I know.

    The Seven I believe are the seven gods of Layar (one of the countries in Balor), but not of Balor as a whole. The Seven are Anmor (a god/goddess of life and giving to my best knowledge from the cards he/she is mentioned on), Arada (the goddess (?) who Zhanna follows), Endia (god of death/doom), Loestin (probably who Loest is named after), Rilard (seemingly has to do with Protection), Saymeht (seems to have something to do with items, maybe armaments in general), and Zail (god/goddess of enlightenment). Some I'm not sure on the gender or what exactly they do, I'm just judging from the cards that mention them in some way.

    As for Unaxio, that is a sort of combination of Ellos and Vozit, the two formerly rival gods of the countries of the same names. The Templar tribe of allies is related to this order, which is why various Templars are named "X of Unaxio". I forget exactly if Unaxio is specifically a combination god of the two others, or if that's just the name for the group in general.

    Hope this helps. Hopefully the campaign mode does in fact come to the game soon, should shed more definite light on a lot of these sort of things.
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  5. #125
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    Thanks tman507! My next questions are...

    1) Angels are from which world....are Shadow Gates opening to things that have joined the Human side?
    2) What in the crap is that thing on the Bloodthirsty card? That thing is amazingly nightmare inducing.

  6. #126
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tmtrog7
    1) Angels are from which world....are Shadow Gates opening to things that have joined the Human side?
    2) What in the crap is that thing on the Bloodthirsty card? That thing is amazingly nightmare inducing.
    These ones I'm not really sure on, as I don't recall anything ever being said about them. I'm not entirely sure how much the two Angel cards (I'm assuming you're reffering to Corrupted Angel and Soulbound Angel) fit with the lore anyway, given the fact that they aren't actually even in the game itself and are promo only cards, although the other promo only card Carmila did have some lore to go with her. I wouldn't really say the Angels have necessarily come through the Shadow Gates, as they certainly look more Human, but who knows with their Neutral status.

    As for the Bloodthirsty guy, the only thing I know about him is that he's not a Ravager, just based on the flavor text, indicating that the Ravagers may crave destruction, but so does whatever kind of creature he is. Thinking about it he might possibly be a Falseblood, like Falseblood Cultist, given that the Falsebloods are of Ravager descent, but do not worship the Asyn, the Ravager's god. But that's just a rather long shot guess.
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  7. #127
    Senior Member Leviosablade's Avatar
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    Why hasnt anyone filled the more department???
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  8. #128
    DP Visionary tman507's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviosablade
    Why hasnt anyone filled the lore department???
    Well, from what I know, Nachyo had already gotten a good deal of future lore done, stuff we probably haven't even come close to seeing yet. Not sure if they do intend to bring in someone else, or if Nachyo will come back at some point if he isn't too busy with real life, but I think for now they have enough to go on for a while.
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  9. #129
    Senior Member Kross's Avatar
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    Where was the "capital" of Layar located before Fort Rothem was built?

    Edit: I figured out it was -- and still is -- Castle Layar.. not sure how I missed that
    Last edited by Kross; 01-16-2017 at 11:29 PM.

  10. #130
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    Where is the capital of Layar located, and what significance does Fort Rothem hold in relation to it?


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