Well, that pretty much said it all, didn't it? I suppose I could go into the details then...
Dear Shadow Erites,
I am pleased to announce that starting next Wednesday, and the following eleven Wednesdays, there is going to be a new tidbit of lore added to the forum! Characters in Profile will be returning for Dark Prophecies with five new allies, revealing more of the ongoing war between the Human and Shadow Factions. I'll also be revealing a new mini-series for all of you during this event. This mini-series follows the earliest days of the Shadow on Balor, and the final days of the greatest prophet known to any world.
These new stories will be first-hand accounts, recorded in a diary passed down to one of the few survivors from the fall of Arada's temple. There will be six of these new stories all in all, each one telling a little more about how chaos came to such a peaceful world. Each one carrying the weight of a Dark Prophecy. I'm absolutely pleased to announce, as part of the 12 weeks of Lore, Wizent's Journal.
You have all been so gracious to my writing in the past, and the lore that has been revealed thus far. I genuinely believe these new works will raise that bar for you, and am ecstatic to be able to share them. It is my sincerest hope that everyone gets as much joy out of these next few weeks as I've gotten in putting all of this together.
Looking forward to everyone's responses!
Kevin 'NachyoChez' Manning