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  1. #1
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    Darkclaw Stall Deck



    3x Captured Prey
    3x Now You're Mine
    3x Speedstrike
    4x What Big Teeth
    3x Regeneration
    3x Rabid Bite
    3x Lone Wolf
    3x Evil Ascendant
    3x Acid Jet
    3x Shadow Font
    3x Rain Delay
    2x Sever Ties
    3x Bad Santa
    2x Crescendo

    2x Here Be Monsters (makes it harder for the opponent in the early game)
    3x Shadow Font (helps against aggro and lets you hit harder)
    3x Shriek of Vengeance (can be put in over acid jet or added if you want additional item removal)
    2x Jeweler's Dream (More weapons for damage also because Speedstrike lets you attack twice you can get an additional 4 resource letting you play more)
    2x Bazaar Trader (this deck doesn't have much draw so this can help and it can help you to deck out an opponent with a smaller deck)

    This deck should be able to adapt to most other decks in terms of play. A certain amount of guesswork is necessary with this deck. and it will probably take a few turns before you know how to match up against the enemy. For example, if you are up against a mage that isn't Gravebone you can expect them to most likely not have a lot of creatures. If the enemey character is one that is likely to use weapons or armor don't turn your acid jets into resource.

    There are a lot of cards in this deck that are 3 - 4 cost. This deck doesn't really start playing until turn 3 unless you want to use bazaar trader or bad wolf.

    Turn 3 is when you have to start making choices:
    ~ If the enemy has more than 1 ally it might be smart to play What Big Teeth so that you can start to weaken them down. You may want to play Speedstrike first if you want to take advantage of the hero ability on turn four it depends on the situation.

    ~ If the enemy has only one ally out then you may want to start laying out the field. It will ultimately depend on the size of the enemy follower. At this point if it's just one enemy you can always use Now You're Mine. If it is a follower that doesn't pose a real threat you can drop Evil Ascendant or Speedstrike. If you can kill off the enemy ally with one hit from What Big Teeth that is also an option.

    ~ If the enemy has no allies you will want to act based on the character type of the enemy hero. If you area against an enemy that is likely to throw out a lot of followers build up your field with Evil Ascendant and What Big Teeth.

    Turn 4 and BEYOND!
    If you are using Jeweler's Dream and you have Speedstrike you can use this turn to essentially gain an additional turn by renewing all of your resources. If you don't have Jeweler's Dream play whatever you have that would be most useful in the situation.

    Lone Wolf is amazing for stalling but it is not really needed until turn 6 or later so hold it until then unless you have already set your field or have nothing else to play. Crescendo is the only card with a cost more than 4 and is best against decks that run only a few creatures. It builds up over time and becomes really hard to get through and if it reaches the end of the ability it will wipe the field. Yes it takes 6 turns to field wipe but it gives you some good defense in the meantime.

    Captured Prey and Rabid Bite are both ways to stall out enemy allies. Captured Prey is better to use on allies with abilities or big hitters. Rabid Bite is a one turn stall that can do a lot. If there is only one enemy ally you can make them attack the enemy hero which gives you additional damage and it disables the enemy ally for a turn.

    Regeneration is useful if your health gets low or you are set on fire or poisoned. Shadow Font let's you use your Hero ability an extra time and is basically the same thing as a Lightning Bolt if you have Speedstrike out. Acid Jet is used to take out enemy armor and weapons. Sever Ties can be useful depending on the enemy hero type. Bad Santa is your draw card for when you are running out of plays.

    And that sums it up.
    Have fun

  2. #2
    Senior Member Unruler's Avatar
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    You're a few patches late with that, I'm afraid...
    Scrupulous Ash Collector of the Blue Phoenix.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDK16 View Post
    You're the best Unruler!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bhleg View Post
    No one know FS better than you, our King of FS.

  3. #3
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    A friend of mine wanted me to post it for him so that he didn't need to look through the forum he's lazy -_-

  4. #4
    DP Visionary Index's Avatar
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    OMZ he's so lazy...

  5. #5
    Senior Member Unruler's Avatar
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    Lazy wolf for a lazy player.
    Scrupulous Ash Collector of the Blue Phoenix.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDK16 View Post
    You're the best Unruler!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bhleg View Post
    No one know FS better than you, our King of FS.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Gotta say these types of decks never appealed to me and only serve to annoy other people.

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