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  1. #1
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    iPod version(1.24) crashes just before winning!

    First I want to say you all thanks for this beautiful game and for the work you have done making it support older devices like my 2g ipod, but there's still some work to do: today I was playing against a shadow hero(mage) and I was winning; when I gave him the killing blow, the game crashed, and the game didn't count the match, it was like if I played it offline, even if it was marked in the "challenge" section as "finished". I tried to play another match and it happened again. I saw another threat which says this happens on ipad version too, so I ask you to fix this bug quickly, because it's driving me crazy!!! Thank you again for your work and greetings

  2. #2
    Junior Member Maestia's Avatar
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    The same happened to me :/
    iPod 2G

  3. #3
    Senior Member Pretty Pretty Princess's Avatar
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    I've experienced this bug, but sometimes it actually does record my victory, XP, and gold. I have an iPhone 3G, so this might not apply to iPod users. You might try just playing in the "world" too, at least you can earn XP and gold if your win is recorded.
    Current deck build: Pending Release of Dark Prophecies...

  4. #4
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    This has happened twice to me on my 2G iPod, too, in the World stage. Didn't record any victories.

  5. #5
    Shadow Era's Avatar
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    I have heard back from a player that the crashing on 2g stopped when he restarted his device first by holding down the power button before playing the game. The 2g has very little memory, so probably some other apps are taking too much and not leaving enough for SE

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    I have heard back from a player that the crashing on 2g stopped when he restarted his device first by holding down the power button before playing the game. The 2g has very little memory, so probably some other apps are taking too much and not leaving enough for SE
    I don't think it's a memory issue... I play the iPhone version (on an iPod touch 4G which has 256MB RAM) and these past 1-2 days, I've noticed some very annoying erratic behaviour. My iPt always has no apps running (apart from SE) when playing. At least half the games I play will end with the app quitting. This doesn't happen when playing against the AI in both offline and online modes but during PvP matches, when it comes time to show the Victory / Defeat screen, the app will just crash. Now, this wouldn't be so irritating if only my wins / losses were counted. After restarting the app, when I check my Status, I don't get any exp / gold at all, nor is my rating changed! However, when I access the Challenges screen, my list of recent matches are still in place, including all those that resulted in the app crashing (even the winner's name and rating is highlighted in green, just like normal). Has this happened to anyone else on an iPt 4G?
    Last edited by ThorFolklore; 04-09-2011 at 07:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member AnAdolt's Avatar
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    There's a few cards that can cause the game to hang in v1.24. This is the case on the web and PC version but I'm not sure if maybe it just crashes on an iOS device. Offhand, these include: Gravedigger's Cloak, Night Prowler, and Baduruu. Details on the bugs should be on their official threads.

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