I play
religiously. the three cards I find most troublesome to have to deal with versus moonstalker are :
Wrath of the forest, regeneration, and lonewolf.
running four regeneration gives you a potential 16 extra life and can remove such cards as poison gas and engulfing flames(though I personally dont use either). and any life gain against a Mage deck is huge.
Wrath of the forest is to big to go overlooked. drawing a card for every alley that you loose keeps you way ahead of the game.
Lone wolf, I dont know what to say, making my lightnening strike basically useless and cutting fireballs in half? It gives you several more turns that you wouldn't normally get, to draw into more answers.
I dont fully agree with jewelers dream, because more often than not its used incorrectly. too many times have I seen those renewed resources get used to play additional allies that should have been held on to.
I dont really see any certain creature as a hard issue for mages, because there is always an easy answer. the success in your allies comes down to how you play them.----dont over extend, because im dying to cast

Play it safe. in MOST occasions dont ever have more than two allies on the board. FORCE me to use my hero ability or
. then when I pass the turn, follow up with two more allies for me to have to deal with. if your not positive you can win by turn 5 then dont try to beat me right away, force me to run out of answers.
Anyways, 2 cents from your opponents view.