Good to see veterans active once again. Welcome back.
Type: Posts; User: danae
Good to see veterans active once again. Welcome back.
I'll wait for Gondorian's crafted reply to this but I'd just like to point out that with nearly all the alt-coins out there in the cryptocurrency market including Shadow Tokens, having hold of...
I think it's great that there's a place players can find out that there's been a merchant restock. Previously, I'd have to periodically go to the merchant to check up on the stock or rely on the...
It's dead.
Training went well. But no more now. I've finished the 5k run last Sunday and I think I did pretty well for someone who hasn't been running until now. My official time was 31:25 minutes! Didn't...
I find that Mind Control is always the most controversial card that new players pick on. I can understand why. However, I would recommend what tolerance suggested and try to play your own Elemental...
My point was that I like playing games where I have the solution to my opponent's strategy while they think it's a done deal.
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I loved having a shriek of vengeance or a sever ties on hand with a board full of my allies against a Moonstaller who just cast a Rain Delay or Full Moon thinking they were safe.
I love when your deck just falls into place and you climb back from brink of losing to coming out on top.
I like it when your deck works as you expected regardless if your opponent has answers to...
I've just been training a little bit over a month. Maybe my goal should be that I finish the race without walking anytime during the race...
I'd hate to have a commentary while I'm playing. Not really the polite thing to do in a 1 vs 1 game. If you won though, it's like you won versus 2 players. :p
Do you remember what time you got? 30 minutes is my wishful time but 45 minutes is my target.
Thanks for the advice. That's what I plan to do. Stick to the Couch to 5k program and see how far it takes me. :)
In my old age, I've somehow thought it would be a good idea to participate in a 5km run. It's for a good cause but still, I don't really know how I convinced myself that I can do this. I know some...
I actually found this game after enjoying Battle for Wesnoth in IOS and then looking at the other apps the developer did. :)
I like this idea. If you could even get access to it after, it could help you analyse your play to see what you could have done better. Also I think it could be quite helpful for bug finding when...
Great job! I've stickied this and unstickied those that are already included in this list and/or outdated.
I think you transferred Waves to the address. I made a similar mistake. What you need to send is SHDW in order for you to link your account.
Moved to Game Discussion section
Happy to be part of this team. I've worked/played with nearly all of them for several years so I know that they understand what Shadow Era is about, what makes it great and what it lacks. I'm...
Why don't we just stick to the topic of the thread?
Not sure why you had to make another account to post this. You're talking about honesty but feel the need to create an alt forum account to bash Wulven. :confused:
It's easy enough for moderators...
Always nice to see old farts :p, I mean faces (Atomzed and Raph), back in the forum.
Great job on the personal and physical transformation Raph!
Closed as requested by OP.
It's always nice to see players who migrate from other TCGs finding Shadow Era to be of such great value. Your feedback as a new player is something I think Wulven should take into mind...
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