Preybird deserves this for his many contributions to SE fanfic and intimate understanding of its lore. I'm just happy to be here next to all these great authors (and those who weren't chosen as...
Type: Posts; User: XanteseZerylliom
Preybird deserves this for his many contributions to SE fanfic and intimate understanding of its lore. I'm just happy to be here next to all these great authors (and those who weren't chosen as...
I had to be careful not to reveal anything from PFG, lol.
And second to Preybird? I'll take it, lol! Especially considering the limited time I had to devote to this. I have to say the competition...
Yeah. What would stop a guild member from revealing their entries within the guild, anyways? Nothing.
Still, I explicitly told my guild to vote for whomever they wanted. As much as I would love...
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