Randomness is one of many factor that make Card Game fun (especially digital card game)
-make sure every game is unique (being beaten by the same deck, with the same card, with the same play is...
Type: Posts; User: udy
Randomness is one of many factor that make Card Game fun (especially digital card game)
-make sure every game is unique (being beaten by the same deck, with the same card, with the same play is...
but... but... the one who made the game is Ky...... ugh... nevermind...
Good job Gondo, and the rest of the dev team.... :)
nomor rekening gua butuh ga? :p
kalo sepi nyalain radio aja bro :cool:
kalo cari yg tue tue mah abakferro aja tuh lebih cocok wkwkkwk
IGN : BP Dragon
Forum Name: Udy
Main sejak: Juni 2013
Kota: Jawa Barat
TCG lain: MTG, Hearthstone
ID LINE: ga punya...
TG Username: ga punya jg :3
Udah cukup lama ga maen SE....
1 bulan...
"definitely cheating" is the key..
who have the authority to issue the verdict? just anyone?
not all things can be roll back just by apologizing..
Beside reporting to support, posting the...
no personal post on this thread please lol
keep bahasa only at sub-forum Indo.
and the answer is: maybe later :p since I'am not to active anymore here :)
wow, I dont expect someone will reply this fast lol
yup, its on my disclaimer. not to much to read huh? :p I've tried to sum it all for easy read.
An idea for Guild War (Player vs Guardian AI) :)
Idea for Guild War (Player Vs AI)
Starting a Guild-War:
1. Guild Leader or Co-Leader Start Guild-War, which will prompt some step to be completed.
2. Guild Leader or Co-Leader must choose X...
sok atuh bang ghozal ngadain :p
Yup! public-forum drama's is much more thrilling :p
necroing an ignored idea :p
its about QM and MD with shorter period of time
Doesnt have clear understanding about this, bu SE Guild can use a mechanic on CoC newest patch: choose the warriors.
Leader or co-leader can choose who will be send to Guild War. So a guild with...
Met kenal bro, lama juga ya udah dari 2013.
Kartu fisik sih ga punya. Tapi gwa pernah maen physical pake kartu tmen waktu gwa berkunjung ke kota dia, mayan pulangnya dikasih 1 booster gratisan...
met kenal jg bro :)
gwa jg dah jarang maen nih. paling kalo ada waktu maen meltdown sesekali.... :)
ikutan guild si bicin aja tuh BP (gwa jg dah ga aktif disana wkwkkwkw)
sok atuh bang huitz buat FB nya, tar bikin Thread baru share link nya ya :)
Berikut deck juara WC SE 2014 yang dimainkan oleh Sisyphos:
Hero: Banebow
Allies (23):
3x Rapacious Vermin
4x Death Mage Thaddeus
4x Morbid Acolyte
4x Rampant Krygon
4x Disciple of Aldmor
LOL, I granted this as the best post of this thread so far... (and its not easy to read and rate them all...:) )
RLT stand for Road Less Traveled
a Retreat with a twist.
care to share those problems u've mentioned?
Iam not defending the deck, just trying to make it better :)
The only fair solution (on this deck) is to use RLT on it the right time.
its depend on the meta, if to many deck run brax soldier, then you could add some cards to tech agains it.
whoa, I never seen such active thread like this for ages. You need to post a lot more thread Human Priest :)
We need more female players for sure...
salam kenal bro :) kalo ada pertanyaan tanya ke Ancha tuh :D
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