Lol - couldn't choose a better player to troll. I say you should get him a mat for being the first victim.
Type: Posts; User: highmystica
Lol - couldn't choose a better player to troll. I say you should get him a mat for being the first victim.
Stop banning original CotC cards!
400 SC - yayness! MEOWER HAS THE POWER!
Victor Heartstriker
Awesome recycle ability that helps drop big baddies.
Allies (16):
Krugal Trapper *4
2cc - Draw engine helper.
You also have to search for the legendary cards manually.
soylent green ftw!
Drugs are bad for your meat mind ...
"They're made out of meat."
"Meat. They're made out of meat."
rework the new cards not ones that have survived several iterations ... wasn't that the philosophy anyway? One of the cool things is this game has no errata and wasn't going to have banned cards...
I hate the ban list. I absolutely hate it ... and it affects none of the decks I use anyway. #LiberateTheBanned ...
Well, first off this build was for an earlier version of the A.I. Now with the new and improved A.I. it simply isn't an instant win when you start facing the latter heroes in A.I. with more than one...
The prize is low
Neutral Ali - Homunakan
When Durga suddenly dies and there are no friendly clothes against this upcoming attack, he will start the game again.
Never get frustrated...
added fun:
remember literal music videos ... google translate sings! The girl that sings thes is rather talented.
highmystica/meower power gives up
so I try and bring chat back to this game .... and get banned! f off! I was ignoring this game for a reason .... omg meower is back, well... meow is giving up
If you have not seen before:
moses vs santa clause - yes that is snoop
I'm sad to see that erb is basically gone, but what did I find ...
prb: ...
gloomweider is worthless ...
as an aside it hurts my feelings considering how much I stuck up for this game
I hope that schoolteacher oleg is back ... if not this game has changed a lot since cait ... left
giving up
if you make it work on our back up kit kats ... points out the obvious
still same prob on my nougat & mallow tabs ... now you no longer work on kit kat
fix your damn chat ... my pics from various tabs and phone work the same ... excapt now you boy cott kitt katt
bump ...
same prob still!
and fix chat on tablets for the love of god!
so I had dirk and chainmail why could I not do 3 dmg to harbringer?
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