

Type: Posts; User: Seth

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  1. I'll just say this one thing and then leave it...

    I'll just say this one thing and then leave it alone: If the official rules make weird interpretations like the "armor as an adjective" one you just went through, the physical game is going to be...
  2. Interesting...good to know, thanks! :)

    Interesting...good to know, thanks! :)
  3. As a curious sidenote, what was the reasoning for...

    As a curious sidenote, what was the reasoning for that? It's always struck me as odd that the penetration wasn't just universal.
  4. Well, I imagine that the *intended* effect of...

    Well, I imagine that the *intended* effect of both abilities was actually:

    "Deal 2 damage to target ally. This damage may not be prevented."

    Unfortunately what they *actually* wrote was:
  5. If they both say "ally or armor abilities" then...

    If they both say "ally or armor abilities" then Reinforced Armor should clearly work on them. It's a bug for either one to bypass an attachment ability, because it is neither an armor nor an ally....
Results 1 to 5 of 5